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How she was able to gobble down the sumptous breakfast Nick had made was still a surprise to her; earlier that morning, she'd felt so miserable and her stomach had refused to take in anything.

She couldn't believe she and Nick could rapport again, since he always gave her a stand-offish behaviour through out her time with him at the office. They'd both done the dishes together; she'd washed while Nick dried and stored the dishes and they'd laughed and chatted all through.

" We'd better get moving on these files". Nick said as he dried his hands on a napkin before picking up the files from where she'd dropped them on the island top. " Make me a cup of coffee, will you?" He called over his shoulder as he made his way out the kitchen.

" Got it". As she went about making his coffee, she wondered how he wasn't full after all he'd shoved down his belly not long ago.

She made her way out of the kitchen and paused when she got out of the kitchen.

wait a minute, which way was it.

He hadn't told her where he was going to be. She walked into an expensively furnished living room with white sofas, comfortable couches and throw pillows in black and white, a really wide television almost the size of the ones in cinemas .......exaggeration. There was a wide glass door that led to the swimming pool she'd seen outside earlier; everything was so clean and smelt homely; the sofas begged to be sat on and she would have really loved to grant that wish, but he wasn't in here.

Walking out of the living room, she tried another door which led to a huge dining room with lots of comfy looking white dining chairs around a really long polished brown oak table. When she felt like she was going around in circles, which she was really enjoying at the moment though except for the fact that her legs were starting to hurt, she opened another door which led onto a study.....his study actually. The curtains were drawn so it was a little dark, save the light from the big lamp on his desk.

There were books everywhere; his study was a replica of his office at the headquarters, only the fact that his office was much bigger and brighter than this one. She could have turned around again and and closed the door to his study since he wasn't there, but she just couldn't find herself leaving.

Walking further into the room, she saw portraits of....wait, were there two Nicks?. She saw Nick and two other guys, the resemblance was really clear between the trio; the younger looking one had on a very chick smile on his handsome face and he was putting on a sky blue shirt with a deep blue jean pants on expensive sneakers, his dark hair was brushed backwards and his nose was narrow but blunt at the end. The other guy was so much like Nick, they were wearing the same white shirt and jeans with the same brand of sneakers as their other brother; they had on the same smile and stood the same way with their hands shoved into their pants pockets; the only difference was that Nick had his hair brushed backwards like he always did, while the other Nick had a bit of his hair hanging over his eyes.

Did Nick have a twin?.

Obviously he did, but why didn't he tell her about it; she grinned lopsidedly inspite of herself at her stupid question, they weren't even close that they would buy each other ice creams or go to Starbucks together, not to talk of discussing family

She walked from one portrait to the other, they were all photographs of he and his brothers and from their dispositions and smiles, it was very obvious that there was this closeness and bond between the brothers. Then she got to the last one, it was just behind his big swivel chair and it was covered with a black fabric...... that's odd, why was it covered?.

Made for him (The Russell brothers #1)Where stories live. Discover now