Chapter thirty-eight || Remembering you

Start from the beginning

Here I was thinking today was going to be a simple day with no interactions with Rosemary. "I'm not in the mood today." I say sidestepping out of her way, she grabs hold of my arm and I can tell by the look on her face there's something she'd like to say, maybe even apologize for. Instead, she nods and says, "that's cute." 

Turning to see what she's talking about Nathan is helping the boys go down the slide. He took the role of father easier than I thought, almost as if he'd been expecting it. Not looking back to see what smug look is on Rosemary's face, setting the cups down in our chairs I watch him play with them until he's worn out and a little dehydrated. 

Gulping down his tea we just watch them play, and when my eyes can't help it any longer, they shift his way to find he's already looking my way. "What?" 

"Wh–what do you mean what?" He stutters caught off guard. "Why are you staring at me?" 

"Because I want to..." 

Which is bullshit and he knows it. Crossing my arms, and sighing I ask "what's up?" 

"Ok, fine you look beautiful today." Which doesn't help the blush already working its way onto my face, or the fact that we're sitting so close I can smell his cologne. Which smells oddly like freshly cut grass. He inches closer, closing my eyes preparing for the kiss that I'm sure he's about to plant on my lips. My heart is beating faster now than it ever has. 

"Stop you know I hate being tickled there." My sister laughs and my eyes open, as Nathan pulls back. Both of us aware we're not truly alone. Aria and Julian are standing not too far from us, and it's obvious they're teasing each other. He keeps trying to tickle her as she runs from him like two kids who are in love, except as far as Aria knows Julian has no feelings for her. 

"Isn't he dating Lainey Vaughn?" Nodding I say, "yes but him and Aria have been friends for years, and she has deeper feelings for him that he as far as she knows doesn't share."   Nathan shakes his head as Julian continues to tease and tickle a giggling Aria. "He has feelings for her." 

"What! How do you know that?" 

"Because I'm a guy who was once in love and I know what that looks like." I'm not sure he realized he even said it, but I most definitely heard him and the stinging sensation in my heart hurts more than you'd imagine. What does that even mean? He doesn't love me anymore that's what it means and now I have to sit here with him, and pretend like he didn't just admit he no longer loves me. 

"Do you think we were like that?" He's watching them intently not taking his eyes off them, and even I have to admit they do look a lot like a couple. "Absolutely not," I laugh. "I hated your guts because I thought you were some rude baseball boy." 

"Typical Abby always jumping to conclusions before getting to know someone." Glaring he laughs as I push him. In my defense the first time we met resulted in me getting coffee spilled all over my favorite shirt and him flirting with me. What else was I supposed to think? 

Someone taps their glass with a fork, turning to find where the noise is coming from my eyes connect with the mayor of our sweet little town. Renee Vaughn is the image of magnolia creek dressed in her fanciest dress, and a Ruby red smile that matches her daughters. "Val was the definition of a caring person. She was the glue that kept us all together. Without her our town just seems lost, not entirely put together. That's why I had this plaque in honor of her." 

She holds a rectangular frame with a picture of Val with something written underneath. "I and many others voted that it should remain where Val spent most of her time." Her eyes sparkle a little as she holds it up even more, shocking me with her next words. "I know Val left her eatery in the hands of Miss Abigail Williams, and that's why I'd like her to accept this plaque in Val's honor." 

My legs stand still but my mind works telling me to do something as people all around start to cheer. I will my legs to move until I'm standing to the side of Renee and she's handing the plaque over to me. "Would you like to say something?" She speaks loud enough for only me to hear. I nod once, twice. Before she hands the mic over to me and joins her daughter by the refreshments table. 

Closing my eyes I drown out the noise and when I open them my eyes go directly to Nathan and he gives me a thumbs up. "Val was so much more than just a friendly face. She was a friend, an expert at giving advice, like a second grandma to my boys, and above all she knew how to make the best coffee in all of North Carolina." This gets a laugh out of the crowd. 

"To Val it didn't matter if you were a resident, or just passing through she always made you feel welcome. You could into Val's eatery and spend forever there. To be in the presence of Val was to know you were never truly alone because she would never let you feel that way. I don't want her memory to die, she doesn't deserve that not after all she's done for this town. That's why when everyone walks through my new bakery/coffee shop Val's plaque will be the first thing they see. And I'll continue to honor her memory by following my dreams which I know is what she wanted more than anything. I love you Val, and I can't wait to see you again one day." 

Everyone claps as I finish my speech, and by some miracle I made it through without a single tear leaving my eyes. Renee takes the mic from me. Rejoining Nate he smiles and whispers into my ear. "That was some speech you gave up there." 

"Was it ok? I was a little nervous." 

"It was the best speech I've ever heard." He then looks at his watch, "however, it's getting late and I should probably go before I miss the game." 

"How are you going to get to the bus station? Wait how did you get here?" 

"I taxied with Lucy." Oh, right. That makes the most sense. As of right now Lucy is no where in sight, and I'm not ready to say goodbye yet maybe that's why I offer, "I can take you to the bus station." And he doesn't argue. 

We're silent the entire drive to the bus station which is about ten minutes since it's a little out of town. There were multiple times I wanted to stop, and turn the car around. Or better yet just tell him my feelings right there and then. But would that really solve anything? Nathan already admitted to no longer feeling that way about me. Therefore, telling him my feelings now would only complicate things more. 

Parking the car, we walk together to his bus. He's the last one to enter and he only just made it in time. "I'm going to be thinking about you and the boys tonight." Drawing him into me I say, "win tonight for me." I then kiss his cheek for good luck or so I tell myself. And watch painfully as he boards the bus. My heart is about to leave me yet again and I'm not sure if I can bear to watch again. 


There's only two chapters plus the epilogue left. 🥺 I'm not ready to say goodbye but at the same time I can't wait to work on new projects. 

If you're enjoying my book All in the Game. Please click the star and share your thoughts in the comments. I will update chapters every Wednesday so be on the lookout.–Morgan 💕

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