Chapter thirty-eight || Remembering you

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The day you lose someone isn't the worst day of your life. No, it's all the little moments in between. All the birthdays, holidays that they'll miss out on. Everyday routines that you got used to that suddenly have to change. That's what hurts the most, waking up day by day thinking maybe it was all just a bad dream, and they'll be there to welcome you with open arms. 

Only to be let down again and again as you remember that person is no longer here, and they never will be again. Val's remembrance party is today and it almost feels weird having it without her here. Val liked to be the center of every party. And despite today being the town throwing her one last party as a way to say goodbye. I will not cry! Because I know she wouldn't want me to. 

The party is being held at my parents house. The Vaughns offered to have it at their house since it's the biggest in magnolia creek, but it seemed wrong to have it there when Val was hardly close to any of them. I down right refused to let them get all the praise for throwing her party when it could be thrown by people who actually knew and cared about her. 

I'm sitting in front of the bathroom mirror touching up my makeup when there's a knock at the door. No else uses this bathroom as far as I know it's been sitting unused since I left home years ago. Though it's different instead of the dark purple and gray it was when I lived here, it's blue and brown now. "Abby hurry up guests are starting to show up." Mom says, opening the door to give her my response the air is knocked out of me as Nathan steps out from behind her. 

The first thing that comes to my mind is that this isn't real, I must still be dreaming. Pushing all thoughts out of my head I run to him, and he runs to me meeting in the middle I throw my arms around him and he spins me around. By the way he holds me, and the feel of his hair in my hands or the beat of his heart as we stare into each other's souls tells me it's real. He's real and he's here. Dressed in jeans, and his coaches shirt. He must've gotten here late last night without so much as a warning. 

"I don't understand what are you doing here?" I whisper into his ear still in shock of him being here with me. He flashes one of his genuine Nathan Scott smiles that I love so much. I haven't seen one since he left not on any of our video call those were all forced, this one is the real deal. "Don't worry I thought this through before I got on the bus that brought me here." 

Relieved I relax just a bit enough for him to continue talking. "Val's remembrance party is from eight to one as long as I'm leaving by eleven, I should make it back in time before our game tonight." The game! I completely forgot all about it. It's a big game for the cougars which means that Nathan risked everything coming all the way down here, to be here for me. Because he knew just how much this meant to me. 

Pulling him in for another hug my lips press up against his ear. "Thank you." He squeezes my hand and we pull apart again. My eyes trail downward until they find his lips, mine press together tightly. All I want right now is to draw him in and kiss him despite the fact that we're in front of my mother. 

However, since we're no longer together it's a notion that hardly makes any sense. We're not together I shouldn't be sneaking glances at him, or his lips. I shouldn't be daydreaming about his body pressed up against mine, he's here though and I'd be lying if I said it wasn't affecting my head. "Where are the boys?" 

"They're outside come on." Tugging on his arm I lead the way to two lawn chairs out back that have a perfect view of where the boys are playing. "I'll go get us something to drink." Wandering to the refreshments table, grabbing two glasses, and pouring sweet tea in both. I'm about to go back where I left Nathan when a familiar know it all speaks up. "Looks like Mr. hot shot is back." 

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