Chapter twenty-six || Boyfriend & Girlfriend

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It's been a week since Rosemary's disastrous party, I thought the argument me and Abby had would have been resolved by now. But no things remain off between us. She's been more closed off and won't let me, how do you fix something when the other person won't even let you? 

It's as if her trust switch has been flipped off, and I have no fucking idea what I said or did for her to get this way. One minute she was fine and we were making out in a bathroom, the next we are fighting and I spend the night on the couch instead of in bed with her. 

When I wake it's due to baby birds tapping on my window. Different from waking up to one, or both boys waking me. Or to Abby's soft snores and hair tickling my face. There was complications with an order, so I had a late shift at the grocery and decided to stay at Lucy's. Not like would have made much of a difference.At Abby's I would have ended up on the couch, at least this way I got to sleep in the comforts of a bed. 

Lucy tries to keep the disproval from her face as I make my way into the kitchen and pour myself a cup of coffee. She was here last night when I came stumbling through the door only slightly drunk, and giving her a half assed explanation. 

Lucy's always an opinionated person but she voices her opinion on drinkers loudly. "Can you stop giving me that look?" 

Her mug hits the table hard. "I wasn't giving a look." 

That's bull fucking shit and she knows it. Glaring I finally find my voice, "don't lie to me Lucy." She huffs crossing her arms. "Well, are you at least going to tell me what happened? I thought things were going great between the two of you?" 

Pausing we watch each other and an understanding settles between us. Lucy sees how I feel of this situation, but she also knows what Abby went through. What I put her through and whether or not that effects our future together this thing, this feeling will always be between us. 

"I'm not too sure myself. One second we're fine, and everything is going perfectly. The next she's running to the bathroom with tears in her eyes, and refusing to tell me what's wrong." 

Lucy has her thinking face on, and the silence scares me. Busying myself with sipping my coffee and scrambling eggs, the only food I manage to not burn when I cook it. "Have you ever thought too look at it from her perspective?" Shaking my head I say, "no...I guess it never occurred to me." 

She pats my arm like a mother would do. "You left her without an explanation, and you come back just as fast acting like nothing happened and everything is normal." Pushing my plate away no longer hungry my eyes stay glued to my hands wrapped around the warmth of my coffee mug. 

"She let you back in despite her heart warning her to." Lucy continues, "but that doesn't mean she won't still have feelings of distrust towards you." 

Fuck I messed up. I always knew this however, just hearing things from Lucy makes my heart sink. How on earth am I ever going to prove to her that I'm a better person now, and that my foolishness caused me one of my favorite things in this world...her? 

"You could go to her." Lucy tells me as if reading my thoughts. 

When I show up at Abby's house it's well past one in the afternoon. I know her schedule has been crazy now that she's renovating her bakery, I'm pretty sure she goes into work tonight. 

I knock once, then twice. 

Either she's ignoring me or she's not home. I'm not sure which is worse. Getting back in my car I need something to fill my time. I can't just wait around all day for Abby to see that I'm not going anywhere. Magnolia creek doesn't have a bar, luckily the town over has a small one. I could go there to spend my time, remembering my actions of last night I decided against it. 

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