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True love doesn't exist, you don't just meet the prince at a ball and fall madly in love like in fairytales. I haven't always seen things this way I thought true love was a real thing, especially with my parents being soulmates and all. However, that was all before Nathan Scott came into my life with his perfect hair, and perfect smile and ruined it all for me. 


Walking along the beautiful campus of university of North Carolina Wilmington. I can't help but take it all in it really is a beautiful campus. When people ask me why I picked UNCW, I lie and tell them it's because I have always wanted to come here. The truth is it was the cheapest option for my parents who still have two kids at home to provide for. 

On the downside it's thirty minutes from the hole in the ground small town I came from, on the plus side it's far enough away from Magnolia Creek North Carolina that I'm able to live on campus. Besides college isn't about how far away you are from home, it's about branching out meeting new friends and making amazing memories. 

The spring of freshman year that's when I finally let my guard down long enough for Nathan Scott to worm his way in. Baseball season had just started and he and some teammates were practicing in my studying field. It didn't bother me that they were there, the field is open to anyone on campus. What bothered me was the fact that they kept throwing the ball my way. Like they are trying to get me to pay attention to them, when they throw the ball my way a fifth time it hits me in the arm making me spill coffee all over my shirt. 

"Well shit," I mutter rubbing at the stain on my shirt. 

"Sorry about that," a familiar voice says grabbing the ball off the ground. 

Like his apology will do me any good, I have a class in fifteen minutes and my dorm room is halfway across campus. "I'm Nathan by the way." He says running his hand through his brown hair, and smiling a mischievous smile. 

No wonder his voice sounded familiar, my dad use to coach him in high school. "And I was just leaving." Shoving past him without a second glance, I head towards my dorm room. I'm not here to flirt with snobby jocks even if they are cute, I'm here to get my degree so that one day I can own my own business. 

One month, that's how long I go without being bothered by those stupid baseball boys. They got busy with baseball practice, and I moved my study time to the coffee shop across the street from campus. Something about the atmosphere is comforting to me. Except for the days when Katy my roommate tags along. I love Katy and the two of us have really bonded, but she can't shut up for two seconds especially when it comes to her boyfriend Jake. Who just so happens to be on the baseball team. 

"Come on Abby take a break, come watch the game with me." She gives me her best pouty face. "I can't I have to study." 

It's not that I don't like baseball, in fact I love baseball. My father was a star player back in the day, he coaches high schoolers now. My younger brother plays, even I played softball when I was younger. I practically eat, sleep, and breathe baseball. "That's an excuse and you know it." 

Rolling my eyes I say "fine one game." 

Katy squeals "we will have so much fun!" 

Friday night comes and me and Katy sit side by side watching the game intently. Katy of course who is rooting for her boyfriend doesn't know all that much about baseball, so I have the honor of telling her every little detail. Our team wins twenty-four to thirteen. After the game Katy drags me to a bar and grill with the baseball team, and their girlfriends. Halfway through she abandons me and I've got no clue what to do. The only reason I agreed to come was because I knew she would get drunk, and need someone to take her home. 

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