Chapter eight || Welcome Home

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After my call with grandma Lucy, I decided moving back home was for the best. At least until I am better enough to start playing again, if I can ever play again. Since I left my car at Lucy's when I dropped off Benny, I end up having to take this next trip by plane. 

"Six minutes till landing." The pilot announces over the loud speaker. Grabbing my phone with the intention to call Lucy, as soon as I pull up the phone icon. I see the missed call from Abigail from weeks ago. 


I haven't been able to get her out of my mind since I saw the missed call on my phone. That sounds bad, I know. She should always have a place in my mind, especially after the way I left things. 

Abigail used to be the person I went to for all my problems, and now it's like she's an afterthought. That was never my intention at all, I loved her maybe still do. You can't just forget someone who was so special to you, someone who knew you and loved you, excepted all the worst parts of you. And I screwed it up by breaking her heart. FUCK. MY. LIFE. 

Upon landing I then have to take a bus to Magnolia Creek NC. That's how secluded my hometown is, the airport is about an hour away. Grandma Lucy and Benny are there waiting for me the second I step off the bus. 

Benny runs to me the second he sees me almost knocking me over. "I missed you too buddy." I say rubbing in between his ears. "How was the flight?" Lucy reaches for my bag ready to toss it into my truck. 

"Good I guess." I throw my bags in the back before she can protest. 

On the ride to my childhood house, one thing becomes clear. Nothing in this town has changed, not in five years since I left. Val's is still on the corner of sweets street; the only major difference is that the high school looks like it's been renovated. 

Boy am I glad! That place was old as hell and ready to fall down by the time I graduated. Even the house I grew up in stayed the same. "Damn grandma you didn't have to stay out here all alone. You could have moved closer to town." 

This stops her in her tracks. Without looking at me she says, "this house is all I have left..." she stops and continues her walk to the house. Lucy didn't need to finish her sentence for me to understand why she never moved. 

My grandpa Mason built this house for the two of them shortly after marriage. It's where my mother grew up, then me. My bedroom hasn't changed much either, not even a speck of dust. It's like she always expected me to come back here. 

Picking up the picture of my grandma, me, and mom. Grandpa was already dead when this was taken, and my dad was never in the picture. I was eight when my mother died of leukemia, and my grandma raised me. I don't thank her enough for everything she's done for me. 

"Thank you," I whisper to the air. 

The other picture is of me and Abigail that Lucy took shortly after Christmas one year. A frown falls on my face, would she even know me if she saw me? I was a different person back then; even I don't know who I am anymore. 

Finished unpacking which wasn't much considering I don't plan on staying here long. I join Lucy in the kitchen where she's cooking up homemade lasagna. Oh, how I have missed her cooking greatly! No offense to Neil but his cooking has nothing compared to my grandma's, seriously she's a culinary genius. 

It's sad to think she never got to share her amazing cooking with the world. " is everyone?" I ease into the conversation because if I'm being honest, things are awkward between us. She's giving me this look, what the hell does that look even mean? 

"Anyone in particular?" 

Well fuck! Of course, I had someone in mind, but I was hoping she wouldn't see into that. I awkwardly avoid her question by taking a bite of my lasagna. Which burns my tongue, double fuck. "No...just how's coach, and Val, and—" 

"And Abby?" 

Seriously grandma give me a break please. I know I fucked up but that doesn't mean you get to hold it against me. "Uh, I guess. How's Abigail?" I ask trying my best not to sound interested at all. 

Her fork scraps across her plate, and I know I'm in for a rude awakening. "Why the sudden urge to know?" Um probably because you brought it up... she looks me sternly in the eyes when I don't answer her. "It's been five years Nathan...five years! If you really cared, you would have picked up the phone, or asked way before now. You didn't so why do you care now?" 

"Hey you are the one who brought her up not me!" I know she's upset with me hell I'm upset with myself. This isn't me, what am I doing? "I'm going to head to bed early if that's all right?" Going to bed before I have finished my food, now that's a first. 

Halfway to my room my grandma stops me. "I'm not happy about your behavior these past few years, I did not raise you to be this person. But if you must know Abby's been fine more than fine actually." 

I continue to move, not stopping until I'm in my room with the door slamming behind me. I know I have been selfish, more than selfish. I never once thought to pick up the phone in all the years I have been away. 

Not to call Abby or any of my old friends. If selfish were a person it would be me, how do I even sleep at night knowing everything I put her through? Looking over at the picture of the two of us, she has the biggest smile. 

I always loved her smile. How long did it take her to gain her smile back after I left? Better yet who was the cause of getting her smile back? My mind keeps replaying what Lucy told me before coming in here. 

'𝑩𝒖𝒕 𝒊𝒇 𝒚𝒐𝒖 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒌𝒏𝒐𝒘 𝑨𝒃𝒃𝒚'𝒔 𝒃𝒆𝒆𝒏 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒎𝒐𝒓𝒆 𝒕𝒉𝒂𝒏 𝒇𝒊𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒖𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒚.'

What is that supposed to mean? 

Jealousy grows deep inside me. Who am I to be jealous if Abby's moved on or not? I'm the one who left her not the other way around. In fact, she deserves to be happy, happier than me. Facing the photo down I turn the lights off, trying to keep all thoughts of Abby out of my mind, and get some sleep. But sleep won't come. 


Nathan is back in town now the real fun can begin. Also jealous Nathan 🥵... honestly Nathan in general. Why must I create fictional men I'm going to fall for?  

If you're enjoying my book All in the Game. Please click the star and share your thoughts in the comments. I will update chapters every Friday so be on the lookout.–Morgan 💕

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