Chapter thirteen || Tough decisions

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It's officially my life is turning to shit right in front of my eyes. The father of my childhood has finally come home. I have dreamed about this moment for so long, he'd come back and me and the boys would be here when he came. However, now that he's here I'm overcome with anger and regret. 

Anger because he chooses now to walk back into mine and the boys lives and just expects things to back to normal. I know this is difficult for him he just found out he's a father but that doesn't give him the right to act like nothing happened. Regret because maybe there was more I could've done all those years ago, I think about it often. The night he left and all the ways it could have played out different. But that was the past and this is the now. 

He leaves just like I told him to turning once to look as he's exiting the door. "Who was that mommy?" Ace asks looking off into the distance where Nathan had been standing. "An old friend of mine." 

Going back to work proved to be difficult. How was I supposed to concentrate on anything other than Nathan? Even after the scene that went down the crowd started dying down. I'm sure by now the entire town is gossiping about how Nathan Scott is the father of my children. 

"So that was quite a scene out there." Val says joining me at the counter. 

"He knows...Nathan knows." 

"He seemed ok with the situation though?" 

That's the problem, the reason why I didn't want to tell him in the first place. It's because now he will feel obligated to provide for them, I don't need anything from Nathan. I haven't in four years, and I will not start now. 

Once my shift is over I'm more than ready to get home and relax. As soon as we are back home and the boys are watching tv with bowls homemade chicken noodle soup. I step into the kitchen to take a call. Mom called almost as soon as we walked through the door. 

Apparently, news travels fast in a small town. I can't wait to hear how many rumors were spun in the short amount of time. "I take it you heard the news?" Is the first thing out of my mouth as soon as she picks up. 

"Abby sweetie you are the talk of the town." 

Great just my luck. I hate being the center of everyone's attention, now I'm all people seem to be talking about. Closing my eyes I take a deep breath and ask the question that's been weighing on my mind. "How many rumors have made their way to the Williams household?" 

She hesitates giving me the answer I need. "Mom..." 

"Just a few," which really isn't an answer at all. How much just a few, like two just a few or I can't tell you the number so I'm lying just a few? "Aria heard some at school and Julia Peterson approached me at lunch in with the girls. 

"What exactly were these rumors?" 

"Oh nothing to worry about just silly lies people told to make themselves feel better..." When will she learn? Even if the rumors aren't true, even if they are going to upset me I'll still want to know what people are saying behind my back. "Mom please." 

" Rosemary has been telling people that the twins aren't really Nathan's and that you are just looking for attention. At least that's what her sister Lainey told Aria." Of course, Rosemary would be spreading lies about me when hasn't she? 

"The other two were that Nathan still has a girl back in Wilmington." Ok, so he's a ladies man. But I'm pretty sure he and his girlfriend aren't dating anymore...not that I'm keeping tabs on who he's dating or not. "And that he got injured so he could come back home to you and the boys." That's honestly the sweetest thing I've heard and I wish it were true, but it's not. 

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