Chapter twenty-seven || The outing

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Abby has finally granted me permission to take the boys out without her present, or without her seeing worried. She's granted me a lot more as well she's offered me her heart. Which is a fragile thing, and I promised her not to break it. She still hasn't said the three words I want to hear, but I'm a patient man and I'm willing to wait forever if that's how long it takes. 

The alarm finally goes off. Checking to make sure she's still asleep, I throw the cover off me and head to the bathroom. Turning the water on full blast, making sure the water is fully heated before throwing my clothes off and jumping in. 

Scrubbing and scrubbing my skin with my manly scented body was as Abby often calls it. I then wash my hair more than once because one can never be too hygienic. I'm not one of those clean freaks that can't stand messes, or being around sick people. I just hate feeling unclean when I'm going to be around people. 

Turning the boiling water off, and wrapping a towel around my waist. Checking the time on my phone I'm astonished at how long it's been. Neil used to tell me I took hour long showers but damn. Peeking through the door Abby is still sound asleep. 

Good she deserves to sleep in after the exhausting week she's had. Working endlessly all day on her own project, then turning right around and working at Val's. Plus taking care of two rambunctious kids. How did she manage this all by herself before I came back? 

Not that she did a horrible job Abby's an amazing mom and I respect her for everything she's done. God knows it couldn't have been easy. And I'm going to have my work cut out for me today but it will all be worth it. The moments I missed out on will never come back, but the memories I'll make with them from now on will be what matters. 

Pulling one of my old jerseys over my head and pairing it with some jeans. I then comb back my hair and put some product in to hold its shape. 

Exiting the bathroom closing the door quietly, crossing the room to where Abby sleeps. Leaning I plant a kiss on her forehead before making my way to the kitchen. Wanting to make us both some breakfast then remembering how horrible it went last time I decide to stick with something simpler. 

The only two things I know how to make without burning are eggs, and smoothies. Since Abby is a vegan breakfast smoothies it is. Grabbing a pack of frozen fruits and veggies blend from the freezer pouring two cups into the blender with oak milk, along with a scoop of vegan vanilla protein powder 

Blending until it turns a blueish gray color. Pouring the contents into two glasses just as Abby comes walking into the kitchen rubbing her eyes. "Morning sleepyhead." I say handing her one of the glasses. "Morning...what's this?" 

"Just one of my homemade smoothies." Her hands wrap around the glass but she still look afraid it'll poison her. "Should I be worried?"

"My cooking is not that bad! Besides I practically lived on protein smoothies for the last four years." She nods taking a reluctant sip her face lights as she swallows the liquid. "This isn't that bad what did you put in it?" 

"Just normal smoothie stuff." She's already halfway through her smoothie by the time I ask, "so what are your plans for the day?" 

"I made plans with Aria last night. We will probably go to some salon, or to some fancy bookstore." Which are two things Abby could care less to do but she loves spending time with her sister, and since last time they spent the entire day baking it's only fair they do things Aria likes doing. 

After breakfast, and Abby gets ready I drive us over to her parents where the boys spent the night. Mrs. Williams opens the door looking excited more than ever. "Ya'll can wait in the living room the boys should be done any minute." She yells down the hall, "hurry up Grayson they're here!" 

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