Chapter thirty-five || Third times the charm

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Becoming an assistant coach has been a dream come true. At the same time it's been lonely. Sure, I have Neil, and all of my ex teammates. It's different now that I'm the boss over them and not beside them. My dream has always been to become a coach after my baseball career was over. I just didn't expect it to happen so soon and with my ex team. 

It took some time getting used to. About two weeks to be precise but once I got the hand of things it came naturally to me. Like I've been destined to this my whole life. Baseball has always been in my blood it's been a part of me since the day I was born so, it's nice that I've found a way to keep it with me since I'm no longer playing. 

With it being the beginning of may and baseball season still going strong. Me and Chad have been pushing them harder and harder during practices. One of our biggest games is coming up, and considering my team lost once already because of my stupidity I'll be damned if they now that I'm assistant coach! 

As the boys start their cool down run; I check my phone to see if Abby has called or texted. No new messages not since she hung up on me this morning. To be fair I was busy and she called at a bad time. I didn't want to ignore her not when it's so unlike her to call at that hour, but at the same time I can't desert my team. I owe it to them after what happened back in March. 

Finding her name in my contacts and clicking the call button; she doesn't pick up. Fuck! Trying again it goes to voicemail. Did I upset her this morning? I don't want to the worst maybe she just turned her phone off. Everyone says different people grieve in different ways and if anyone knows how close Abby was with Val it's me. 

When she doesn't pick up a third time, scrolling through my contacts until Lucy's is the name on my screen. By then the boys are done with their run and crowding into the locker room drenched in sweat. "Y'all did good out there today boys." Coach says but by the way he talks it sounds as if he's screaming. "That is the kind of thing I want to see at the next game! Now go reward yourselves with a bath y'all stink." 

They quickly move following his orders. Oh yeah I remember those days all too well. Four glorious years spent being the one told what to do now I'm practically the boss. "I'll meet you back at the apartment." I whisper to Neil as I pass him on my way to coach. "Actually, I'm going out with a few of the guys. You're welcome to come if you'd like?" Shaking my head I say, "Nah I've got other plans." 

He gets exactly what I mean because he nods and doesn't say another word. Once I'm in my own private space where no one can bother me I finally call Lucy. She picks up immediately "oh, so now you call me?" I feel bad between practice, and FaceTime with Abby and the boys I haven't had time to call Lucy. "Sorry–" She laughs which confuses me more. What the fuck! I thought she was actually mad at me. 

"What's going on? Is Abby ok she won't answer any of my calls, and I know about what happened but I...I just want to be sure she's ok?" 

"Nathan calm down." Lucy says in a soothing tone. "They're fine Abby and the boys are ok. She's at her parents right now but you have to remember how close Abby was with Val. This is affecting her a lot harder than most." Which I know she's right Val was like Abby's second grandma, if not closer than that. Val was family to Abby and it's always hard to lose family. 

I was only five when my mother died, but it's stayed with me all these years. "Maybe you should try calling her again." Lucy suggests before ending the call altogether. So, I do just that and this time she picks up. "Abby I'm sorry about this morning I was busy and–"

"Daddy!" Ace shouts through the phone. "Bax come quick daddy's calling." There is shuffling coming from the other line and tiny voices. "Hello." 

"Hey guys." 

"Do you know why mama's been crying all day?" My heart sinks as soon as those words are out in the open. "I do, would the two of you like to do me a favor?" 

"Will you take us to get ice cream next time you're home?" Laughing I tell them, "yes." 

"Then we'll do it." They say together. "Good, could you take the phone to your mama?" As much as I'd love to sit here and talk with my boys right now. Their mama needs lots of comfort and since I can't be there with her through this, or this morning after she found out. I want to be there for her now. "Ok, daddy." 

It's not long before the phone is handed off to Abby and the two of us have some privacy to talk. "About this morning." I start. "It's fine really I know you have been busy with the game coming up." She sounds like she's been crying for a long time, it's not healthy but so is not grieving. "Sorry for not answering sooner." She laughs and I can't help but wonder if it's her first laugh of the day? "The boys must have taken my phone when I wasn't looking." 

Hesitating for only a moment, griping the phone so hard it feels like it's going to break in my fist. "DO YOU WANT TO FACETIME?" It comes out all jumbled but because it's Abby she understands perfectly well what I'm saying. I just want to see her make sure with my own eyes that she's ok. That and I really want to see her screen to screen. 

She takes too long to answer, and I'm aware she's trying to come up with a way to tell me no when my phone starts ringing again this time she's the one calling me. Clicking accept her face pops up on my screen. She's wearing a faded t-shirt and makeup is running down her face. But to me she's the hottest person in the world. Even on her worst days, even when she's going through hell. To me she will always be the hottest person. 

At first our conversation is awkward, but as we grow more comfortable we talk until it's well past midnight and we're both tired. "I should probably head to bed I've got a busy day tomorrow." I tell her even though I'd love nothing more then to spend another three hours talking to her. "Yeah, same I've got funeral planning to do." We let those words sit between us for a moment. It's still hard to believe that Val is gone. 

She made magnolia creek a happier place, now without Val there who will be the one to give great advice, or lighten someone's day? "Abby I..." love you. I love you so much it hurts sometimes, and I just want to come home to be with you and the boy. "What?" 

"Just...stay safe." Fuck I'm a coward. "Thanks," she says. 

We end the call shortly after that and I want to just hit myself at how stupid I am. Why couldn't I just admit that I loved her? Because I'm an idiot that's why. She's the one who told me to leave, she doesn't want me there, and telling her I loved her would only confuse things more. "Who's the mystery girl?" Neil asks coming into my room he's finally home from his night out and a little tipsy. "Is it the same one who's got them boys?" He slurs tripping onto the bed. 

While he's lying down drunk out of his mind I find the courage to tell someone how I feel about Abby. "I think–" shaking my head I try again. "No, I know I'm in love with her. Have you ever been in love?" He sits straight up and looks me dead in the eyes sobering up slightly. "Once..." in all the years we've spent living together we never once had this talk. About feelings and shit that's what girls do. 

"She was the most amazing girl in the world. My whole world and I fucked it up badly." Yeah, I get that more than anyone. "I got so lost in the sport that I fucked up my entire relationship with the person I loved. Haven't dated seriously since, and I don't think I'll ever love someone as much as I love...loved her." Wow! Sounds a lot like mine and Abby's story except I found my way back to her in the end. "I think Abby is to me the way that girl was to you." 

"Then don't let her go. You still have a chance with her don't make the same mistakes I did." His words hit deep. For once me and Neil have something in common other than our love for baseball. We both lost someone we love because of the sport we love. It's dramatic and ironic but it's what happened and there's no changing it. But could what he said really be true? Could there still be a chance for me and Abby? 


What do y'all think? Does Abby and Nathan's relationship still stand a chance? 

If you're enjoying my book All in the Game. Please click the star and share your thoughts in the comments. I will update chapters every Wednesday so be on the lookout.–Morgan 💕

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