cooking for him (37)

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Ask: Aizawa cooking for him

Do you have headcanons of Aizawa's s/o cooking for them?

I Just Want to Cook for You

📍I have cooking with him.

📍I have him cooking for s/o...

📍But not you cooking for him except in one of my Aizawa stories on Wattpad. So let me "cook" something up for you. (Yes terrible pun) I am also starting to include the physical damage(post mha chapter 325) of Tomura shigaraki.

°•🥢•° Cooking for Shouta Aizawa

Shouta has been even more busy even with his disadvantages caused by Tomura. He is training a new crop of young heroes and he, himself, is going through physical therapy. Things have changed quite a bit without having his right eye. He has lost depth precision.

So you decided he needed two definite days a month that is a scheduled day off. That means no grading and only available if the students are in trouble. Shouta was resistant to these scheduled days off. But after two of these Aizawa care days, he doesn't complain anymore.

So it's that scheduled night (you pick the day). Shouta arrives on time to the smells of you cooking a traditional Japanese meal. The Miso soup has just finished being heated up. The smell of fresh cooked onions in the hot broth. Saki is sitting on the table already for Shouta.

Aizawa has a routine of taking his boots off. His utility suit unzips and he wraps the top half around his waist. His utility belt and knife are hung up on a peg. He is into the logical routine of his gear. His friend Hizashi runs around like a chicken without a head on emergency calls. There is absolutely nothing like that in Aizawa.

The next part of the evening off schedule is him entering the kitchen and giving you a hug, his strong arms wrapped around your waist and he gives you your cheek. If he kisses your neck, that's the nonverbal cue he's feeling amorous. When Shouta steps back, Miso soup is handed to him. He watches you cooking Yakisoba. That's what he smelled coming in the door, the scents of fresh vegetables from the local market.

He has two rules for this planned night off: one you sit on his lap and he feeds you both. Sometimes clothes or bare skin and only bare skin. The second rule is he gives you a back massage.

As for after dinner sex, thats optional...

📍Footnotes on traditional Japanese meals

Miso soup-The Japanese eat miso soup alongside almost every meal. Miso broth is made from fermented soybeans and dashi broth. Miso soup often contains tofu, seaweed, and green onions. It's common for Japanese people to heat up miso soup from the night before and eat it alongside their breakfast. Give that a try next time you're craving a warm start to your day

Gyoza (fried dumplings)-If you're looking for a taste of Japanese cuisine at home, look no further than Gyoza! These fried dumplings are easy to prepare at home and make a great appetizer. They can also serve as a main course alongside fried rice or noodles. Gyoza are dumplings (usually filled with pork and vegetables), fried in a pan until crisp and then steamed to finish cooking. Serve them with soy sauce for dipping! You can make your own Gyoza at home with this recipe.

Yakisoba (stir fried noodles-You can find yakisoba at any street festival in Japan. This fried noodle dish is made with barbecued noodles, pork, cabbage, and other vegetables. You can make your own version of yakisoba at home in a large frying pan or wok. This dish is full of rich flavor and is easy to make; just throw everything in one pan and let it sizzle!

Japanese curry-it is quite different from the Indian curries that you might be familiar with. Japanese curry has a sweet flavor and is prepared like a stew; meat and vegetables are cooked together with a curry paste that acts as a thickening agent. Japanese curry is quite easy to make at home, especially if you can get your hands on some premade curry paste.

Traditional Japanese Food: 20 Dishes You Can Try in Japan or At Home | The Planet D

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