ready to be a father (36)

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Aizawa's reaction to his lover telling him that she's ready to try for a baby? 🎀

This one is going to be a fluffy theme and not sure I actually can really do fluffy bit I am up to the challenge. You don't have to be married as some don't believe a piece of paper changes things.

P.S. not sure how it will come out as I have heat exhaustion borderline heat stroke...

•It's time to let Shouta know that you want to take the last step as a couple. You knew each other from the U.A. High. Dating led to living together to being married and after seeing how protective of his Class 1A students, now is the time to tell him you're ready as you will ever be.

•Aizawa senses you have something on your mind but necessarily bad.

"Babe (fill in one)," Do you want to dine in or go out?" He wraps his arms around your waist from behind and gives you a kiss.

"Could we cook together?" You ask.

It's a hint of sorts.

•Shouta nods his tired head. At least it must be good or you wouldn't be cooking together. So he picks the fresh food to cook a traditional dinner. As you and working in the kitchen, your turn to him.

"Speaking of cooking,"you smile. "How about getting a bun in the oven?'

Shouta wrinkles his eyebrows and blinks. There was no bread for tonight's dinner. Then it hits him.

"Oh! Dessert in the bedroom..."His eyes get heavy lidded with lust not exhaustion. "Dinner first as we will be busy all night.."

Due Note: Shouta would ask in a serious tone if you wanted to wait for tomorrow..he's not going to be insensitive if dessert is on the couch, watching a show. Just because you want a baby doesn't mean a rush and start that night.

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