breaking up/getting back together (9)

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Ask: Aizawa breaking up (short)

how would aizawa break up with his s/o?

Hmmm...tough one here. Aizawa is hinted (Vigilantes manga) to have less polished human interaction skills. So basing off this...

If you two were leaving on good terms he would be nervous and fidgety. Serious, stoic face and sad watery eyes. His face buried and black hair covering his eyes. This is not something he wants to do but is in your best interest like being safe.

But if not ending on good terms, he's a logical person. He was serious but cold in personality. Shouta has his hair pulled back like at the press conference. He behaves as if at the press conference. It's a logical reason after all.


Ask: Aizawa ex girlfriend

Can we get a scenario of what would happen if Shota met up with his first (ex)girlfriend he had when he attended UA? It's been a long time since they'd seen each other and she suggests they hang out as they didn't end on bad terms when they broke up

•I imagine the split would be when Oboro Shirakumo dies. Aizawa being a shy teenager with low self esteem would pull away. Shouta couldn't save his good friend Loud Cloud from dying.

How could he protect you even if pro hero in school and training?

•Shouta was twenty five when becoming a teacher at U.A. high. He could have bumped into you on the street but would Eraserhead disappear via capture weapon.

•Having been a teacher for five years and Class 1-A, he would be more inclined. You are someone he still trusts immensely. He would be shy at first then realize it made logical sense to hang out together.

•Maybe Midnight talked you into becoming a teacher. You have insight into heroes that suffer from trauma as even pro heroes in school. You would help each other grade papers (now should be electronic and the evil empire that is named Google with Google classroom.)

•You help him analyze his students and personalities more on how they might psychologically respond to stressful situations. Boom Boom might actually have more subtle tells on his behavior at times.

•I can see the romance rekindle in time too. He still loves fact it seems everything about you.

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