snoring/ bathroom interrupted (14)

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Ask: Aizawa snoring

I HC that Aizawa probably snores so loudly when he sleeps since he's always extremely exhausted. He also probably tosses and turns in his sleep too and ends up placing unwanted limbs on top of his s/o and constantly waking them up throughout the night lol

•This was a concern when he moved in with you. Fortunately he's in great shape so less inclined to snore loudly but he adds a breathing strip too that he learned from his dear nomu Oboro Shirakumo.

•At first he would curl in a small frame so his long legs and arms did not do just what you mentioned. But he wasn't getting much sleep.

•You told him it was okay to sprawl out. And he was like a cat hogging the bed. Or worse he manages to lay partly on you.

•So you bought a full body pillow and when he's just too bouncy, restless, sleeping or wanting you as a body pillow, you stick your body pillow between you.

You can make it up to him in the morning..


S/o accidentally walking in on Aizawa taking a dump

Just wanna know his reaction. Happened to me today with my husband in real life as we have finally moved in together. Things should get interesting 😂

I have a possible answer….

•First thing,people who work with Special Needs get duties as assigned. Gas, diarrhea, vomiting, erections and masturbastion come with the job.  It's just a body function. You plug your nose for example and move on.

•In the Special Olympics two people escort Special Needs people to restrooms.  Both men and women assist in escort and assistance.  A woman assists with male athletes.  If need be you will wipe their butt.  It's called get up and get over it.  It's your job to make sure this person who needs assistance gets it.  But there are two people present so inappropriate behavior is not occurring…

So…this is not considering Japanese culture though.

•With that note, Shouta Aizawa is both an underground hero and teacher.  He used to live on the streets and get coffee from fishmongers. Farting, barfing and porcelain God worshiping seems to be a drinking man's situation.

•I am sure he held a student's head up and held hair when his student was vomiting uncontrollably.  Women with bad periods and if one of his female students at the dorms.  He knows actually where the pamprin is  located, asking if they have menses change of clothes and a call to Midnight to shake her ass and come assist his female student.

•It's not the time to be embarrassed.  His female students need to be able to rely on a man like Aizawa.  He's there for All his students.

• Hell! Midnight probably trained him!

•Now the spouse part as your question was…he probably has 57,000 thoughts stressing his mind and so you need a towel or hairbrush, come in and get it. It's like taking shower together but there isn't time for hot spicy.

"Babe, if it bothers you then I can lock the door instead of just closing it…"in his exhausted voice.

•By the way, Aizawa will knock everything or makes sure there are two bathrooms.

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