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Stassi's POV
Yes I have my own POV. Did y'all think you would end this without hearing from me.

Anyways, it's been 2 years since Alex and Eifeel got married. The wedding was chill and closed off to just friends and family.

It was small and cozy yet expensive as shit, perks of having a mob boss husband and being the owner of a huge clothing brand.

A few months after the wedding we found out Eifeel was pregnant so I'm now the bid sister of a 2 year old.

I'm currently in my bedroom laying down listening to music "Sassi Sassi" I turned to the door to see Lily running into my room.

"Hey Lily what's wrong" she ran up to my bed,Ipicked her up and sat her down on my bed

"Sassi look" I looked down at her hands to see a ladybug in her tiny hands.

"How did you get that" I asked as I started at the tiny creature in her hands.

"It fwew into my hand whiwe I was pwaying outside"

"Awwwwwwn. How about we go show Eifeel and Alex" I picked her up and walked to the cinema room to see them cuddled together watching a movie together.

Yes their still as in love as ever. "Hey lovebirds"

"Mommy, Daddy wook" she got out of my hands and ran up to them.

I walked over to them to see her sitting on Alex's lap showing them the ladybug. "It looks so cute princess" just as Alex said that it flew away.

"Bye bye wadybug" Eifeel giggled at her cuteness and pinched her cheek. The sound of my phone pulled me out of the sight in front of me

Stone cold- I'm in the living room
Stassi- I'll be down with Lily in a few

I looked over at Lily to see her playing with Alex's rings. "Hey Lily, Blaze is downstairs" she turned to me with the biggest smile on her face.

You can guess who her favorite is. "Bwaze" she got off Alex's lap, ran up to me and grabbed my hand.

"Wet's go see Bwaze" I smiled at her excitement and walked to the door with her "Bye lovebirds"

We walked down the stairs to see Blaze standing in the living room on his phone. "Bwaze" Lily yelled as she ran up to him. He looked up from his phone and caught her as she hugged him.


"I mwissed you"

"I missed you too Lily"

I smiled at my brother who I hadn't seen in months. He joined the mafia last year but still does the assassin thing on the side.

He also became the heir since Eifeel surprised Alex with adoption papers for us, yeah Alex is officially our dad but we still treat him like we normally do.

"I'm still here stone cold" he turned to me and opened his arm. I went to him and gave him a hug "I missed you Stass"

"I missed you too stone cold"

"Blaze you're back." We looked at the direction of the stairs to see Eifeel and Alex coming down the stairs.

Alex gave him one of those bro hug things and put a hand on his shoulder "Welcome back Blaze"

"Thanks Alex"

"Out of my way I want a hug" we chuckled as Eifeel pulled Blaze into a hug "I missed you Alex"

"I missed you too Eifeel"

"Now that all this is over let's go outside and talk." Blaze handed Lily to Alex and we walked out to the backyard.

As soon as we got outside Lily ran off yelling "Daddy chase me." Alex chuckled and gave Eifeel a kiss on the cheek "I'll be right back I have to chase our daughter"

He ran off to chase her while we all watched

"To think we went from trauma to this" I said as I started at them. Blaze slong his arms around Eifeel and I's shoulder and sighed.

"We did it you guys. We survived the trauma" Eifeel said as she looked our at our family

"Indeed we did"


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