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A/N - the part in italics is a dream.
Eifeel's POV

I walked down the stairs and into the living room, I tried to be as quiet as possible in case dad was back home.

I poked my head in to see Mum and Dad arguing and yelling at each other which scared me since that means he was drunk.

And bad things happen when he's drunk.

Out of nowhere dad slapped mum making me gasp which caught their attention.

Dad looked extremely mad while Mum looked scared.

"Eifeel RUN!!!" She yelled and with that I ran as fast as my ten year old feet could take me which wasn't fast cause he caught up with me and grabbed me.

"No!! please I'll be good please!!" I begged but he as usual he didn't listen. He pulled me to my bedroom and locked the door so it was just he and I in the room.

"Only naughty girls listen in on their parents conversation" he said as he pulled off his belt. I could hear the sound of my mum crying and banging on the door.

I tried to run to the door but he just grabbed me by my hair and pulled me down to the floor and started whipping me with the belt.

"AHHHHHHH!!! Please stop!!! Dad please stop!!! I won't be naughty again please stop!!! AHHHHHHHHH!!!" I continued to scream at the top of my lungs.

Blaze's POV
I was walking back to my room when I heard a sound coming from Eifeel's room.

I walked to her door and knocked but once I got no reply after knocking twice I opened the door to find her yelling in her sleep.

Shit she was having another nightmare. She shot up from her sleep with tears in her eyes.

She was clawing at her skin all while sweating profusely. I walked up to her bed and grabbed both her hands to stop her from hurting herself.

"Eifeel, look at me. Your hyperventilating, if you don't calm down your gonna pass out. I want you to count 1-10 with me ok?"

She nodded her head with tears still running down her face.

I picked her up and sat her down on my lap and put her head on my chest so she could hear my heartbeat.

"One, two...."

"T-t-t-three..." she said still hyperventilating but not as bad as before.

"Four, five....."

"Six, s-s-even..."


"Ten." She said her breathing becoming close to normal.

"Good, now just listen to my heartbeat ok?" She listened while I stroked her back in a relaxing manner.

Her breathing eventually became even and she relaxed.

We sat in silence for a while till she spoke up "What time is it?"

"It's around 12am" I replied looking down at her. She nodded her head and began playing with my hands.

"You wanna go back to sleep?" I asked as I continued to stroke her back. She nodded her head and asked in a faint voice "Will you stay with me?"

"Sure." I picked her up and laid her down on the bed and laid beside her.

She turned over and snuggled into my chest "Thanks Blaze." She mumbled into my chest.

"I love you Blaze" I stroked her hair and looked down at her "Love you too Eifeel."

With that we both fell asleep.

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