16/tubbos Chapter

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Waking up was a surprising difficult thing to do after being asleep for multiple days, tubbo thought lazily. As he went to sit up he hissed, laying back down and opening his eyes to the sight before him. Next to him was the dreaming face of non other than Hipocrates, who was sleeping soundly while hugging a pillow to his chest, their ear bearly flicking. Looking around his room would show purpled had fallen asleep on his other side, basically he was barricaded in by to sleeping people, one a trained magician and the other a high class assassin. Tubbo leaned on the head board and groaned to himself, rubbing his eyes as he looked around for any indication of the date. He found himself at a loss and shrugged to himself, content to listen to the noises of the morning, until a yawn and subsequent sneeze drew his attention away from the window. Purples had started to wake, sitting up with tubbo and stretching with a rub of the eyes.
"thanks for letting me stay over, I needed that."
"what? Body heat or sleep?"
Chuckling the pair turn to the final person who was still asleep purpled laid back down in solidarity with the sleeping friend, gently shaking them and whispering only earned them muttered threats as crates bleary-eyed glare as they pouted into the pillow. Suddenly the door burst open.
"wake up sleepy head!"
Tommy screamed, arms open wide, tubbo rubbed his ears.
"fuck ma-"
Crates sat up with purpled to see what the issue was.
"what's up?-"
Instead of and answer Tommy just left the room making strangled noises of laughter as ranboo peered in.
"congrats I guess. You killed my husband."
He said sarcastically as he continued past, instead of waking up like purpled had, and immediately getting embarrassed like tubbo. Crates decided, fuck everything I'm tired and flopped over the pairs laps, still not fully convinced that just happened.
"here's your coffee crates."
Taking a sip of the drink was all it took for the events to sink in.
"how much you gonna bet he's told the whole neighbourhood by now?"
"im not betting a losing game. He's told the whole smp."
With a laugh the trio actually got up and Crates looked at his clothes with a frown but shrugged.
"what's wrong?"
Purpled asked, stretching again.
"I've been in this outfit for at least a few hours, and sleeping in this shit? Not comfy, but I'll have to deal with it till I get home I guess."
They said, placing their chains over their horns.
"nope, can't have my supposed partner be uncomfortable we kindo of supposed boyfriend would I be."
Purpled joked, leaving the room only to return with a hoodie as crates redressed tubbos wounds.
"there you go, hip, get changed in the bathroom so you can breath. Wait. How long have you been in that corse-"
He rushed into the bathroom and slammed the door before he could finish the question.
"well they need their lungs and rubs checked. We can get ponks help for that."
Looking to the goatling purpled saw a frown.
"what? You want a hoodie oh supposed boyfriend mine?"
He said, petting his head.
"yes. Infact. As I too am uncomfortable. Thank you!"
Tubbo said, clasping his hands together and blinking 'innocently' at him. With a laugh, he went to get another hoodie and passed it to tubbo.
"if you call me supposed boyfriend again I will knock out your teeth."
Laughing purpled, shookk his head.
"I won't. I won't, I'm just messing."
the pair turnt to the deer with his arms in the air in victory as he ran and hugged purpled.
"thank you purp."
"any time."
We a smile the trio walked down to breakfast, all heads turnt to them.
"well speak of the devil. Hey kiddos, how are you?"
Sitting down at the table there were various noises as answers. Sam smiled at them as ponk did another check up on tubbo, who then pointed to crates.
"can you check this twits ribs and shit? He slept in a corset for the time I was asleep."
With a gasp the conserned doctor rambled and made passing stupidity comments.
"nice hoodie."
Ranboo said in a snarcky tome as to draw other attention, earning more teasing.
"stop teasing the injured please."
Ponk said as they ate. They broke out with less teasing and more jokes and jinks.

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