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I held rans had as I shivered, the icey air biting at me skin. The others had left to go prepare Sam's base to the best of their ability for all of us till me and ranboo where prepared to build our own house. I felt ranboo pull me closer as I jolted from noises in the snow. As we headed to technos land I saw fencing guarding it, I churred as we approached my eyes growing with my curiosity. I heard ranboo laugh and I looked at him smirking as I ran ahead, I heard him laugh as he ran after me. I smiled as I jumped over the fence only to get tackled as me and ranboo rolled in the snow laughing. As we laid in the snow we laughed, my arm over my eyes as I wheezed.
me and ranboo sat up with a start and turned to see techno, he looked more like a librarian now. He still kept his royal garb but it was more cozy looking now. As me and ranboo got up I looked up at him as he walked down his stairs.
"hey techno!"
"wait- I have to get rid of the prison break plans now?! Ugh- I spent so long on those!!"
Ranboo and I shared a look before laughing, my tail swished, making me flinch violently. Techno definitely caught it and frowned, ushering us into the house.
"you guys wanna explain to me or?"

So after like- 10 minutes of explaining the first week techno was already making armour and setting out plans.
"dude, calm, he's already dead, he's only got two more lives."
"so? What are you guys gonna do? Run from him? I'm pretty sure lmanburgs out for you as well-"
There was a knock on the door as techno paused, his Cape flowing behind him. I swirled my cup as ranboo leaned his head on mine.
"do you think we should make the rings or get Sam too?"
I chuckled and sipped my drink, putting my face in his chest.
"I'd like to try welding again, it was fun."
He smiled and held my hand.
"anything for you."
"right back at you, big man."
We stayed like that till techno entered with Ghostburs behind him smiling.
"a-and tubbo made this speech! Everyone was really unhappy after so I gave them blue! I-I tried to defend Tommy but tubbo said to shut up..."
I smiled softly as the dejected ghost looked up and saw us.
he smiled, flying after us as friend trailed behind him. He hugged me tightly and cried some Blue into my shoulder.
"it's okay, Ghostbur. We're here now."
He stood up and ruffled my hair before looking at me cardigan.
"you still have it!! Does it still fit- I mean-you probably won't wear it if it didn't fit- sorry-"
"it's fine, ghost bur, but-"
The ghost looked mildly scared.
"I think ran would like a cardigan too, if that's okay?"
His face brightened as he nodded.
"ill make it soon! I promise!"
"take your time, Ghostbur."
Ranboo said softly from behind his cup, Ghostbur smiled.
"ill go out side and see if I can get some grass! I'll make it today if I can!"
I shook my head fondly, finishing my coco and putting it on the table before standing and walking to the window and watch over Ghostbur as he sat under a tree as friend ate, Sheering him carefully. I held the wall as I watched the snow fall, techno was in his rooms still talking to ranboo. I sighed and looked back into the house at the other two, thinking about how quickly the day had gone. I liked my lips and rubbed them, I should as if techno still has that really good lip-balm recipe... As I thought I turned out side, catching the softly setting sun.
"Ghostbur, come back inside!"
Techno said to the ghost, who nodded and collected the wool before floating back inside.
"you guys staying till Sam can collect you?"
"yep, he said it could take up to three days at most, sorry for the bother."
Techno shrugged.
"it's fine, I'll help train you guys to defend yourselves from dream."
I chittered and smiled.
"now, let's get some dinner! I've got a new recipe for potato I need people to try!"
I shook my head and laughed, following him to the kitchen.
"don't burn down the house, also, you better make stake with it cause we need more proteins than just potatoes."
I heard an offended gasp before a laugh as techno continues his work in the kitchen.

After an honestly- heavenly roast (might be from our small diet in the prison or the food being good) , me and ranboo were sent into technos basement.
"there is a small bedroom down there, it's hidden enough so you guys can stay safe."
Ranboo nodded to him as we walked into the redstone door. The room was small but had some windows showing the snowy ground outside.
"you can get what you need to from rans house tomorrow, get some rest."
He didn't neet to tell me twice as I flopped onto the bed, curling up into the comfortable sheets.
"can we still cuddle like normal or do you wanna stop?"
Ranboo always asked this before going to bed, it's probably cause at first I was so against it. And rans just genuinely that great. I nodded and held his arm sleepily before he laid down, where I curled up closer and fell asleep.

Time skop

As I yawned and opened my eyes I was met with the sounds of a confused ender an as his screeched and the sound of scratching. I sat up and stretched as the noise stopped, and feet hurried over to my side. I heard a coo and looked slightly to the left of ranboo, seeing their purple eyes I sighed and fiddled with their hair.
"morning boo, how'd you sleep?"
He chirped as their tail swayed, a clawed hand on my arm. I smiled a sat up while holding the hand against mine.
"you're ranboo, you and I are best friends, we are at technos right now, he's our other friend, papa Sam is with the rest of the family fixing stuff for us to stay there. When we get there I'll make us rings!"
Ranboo cooed and locked our fingers leaning into my neck as he chirped, slowly the particles disappear as he wakes up.
"wanna go see techno now?"
As if summoned techno entered, looking slightly disheaved.
"sorry guys, phils crow just told me lmanburgs butch army is coming back to try get me again. Stay here okay?"
I nodded confused as he gave us swords and pickaxes before leaving and locking the door again. Ranboo Looked at me worried, sitting us on the bed.
"I know you get scared of this stuff easy, don't worry, I won't let you fight again. I promised you that."
"i-i will fight if I have to, to protect you and techno and dad. Id do anything for you guys."
I said staring at our hands, there was a loud conflict upstairs and I heard a crash. Ranboo's grip on my hands tightened as he looked for an exit. I pulled out my pick axe and started to mine to ranboo's house, ranboo saw what I was doing and followed me. Blocking the tunnel after us with cobble. I dug up where I'd guessed his house was and climbed out helping him out as well.
"should we help techno? What is he gets hurt-"
"we can't do anything without the training we need, we need to have faith in him. Right, Tom's?"
A shake sigh left me as I nodded, we started to collect things from chests. After a while I froze as I heard sound from outside in the snow.
"what's this place?"
A voice said, muffled through the door. I panicked and went to chest near the basements entrance where ranboo was currently.
"there are people!!"
I hissed panicked and his eyes widen a fraction. He quickly placed blocks over the entrance just in time as the door opened. Rummaging noises filled the room above us.
"huh? What a weird place for a compass."
I froze, looking at ranboo. That's the compass I gave him when we started to hand out. It pointed directly too me. Hopefully non of them can read ender cause that's what my name is written in.
"eh, probably some weird shit, this whole place seems pointless, nothing too good."
Me and ranboo shared a sigh and hugged as the feet left.
"lets finish up here."
I said, passing him things for the ender chest, waiting patient as he packed the various items compactly.
I froze as did ranboo, I threw the tings carelessly into the chest, carful with the potions before drinking an invis pot with ranboo. I pulled him to the wall with me, I heard blocks breaking and covered my mouth as ranboo held my hand there softly. I could basically feel him glare over my head as the fox descended sniffing the air, Followed by the very gost we where avoiding.
"what can you smell fundy?"
"it smells like alluims, roses, oak and coco, coco makes sense but the other few are strange cause of the biom."
A small him of agreement as tubbo looked around, we moved in front of the potions stands and crawled under the table silently. The fox moved around the room till he reached us, I held a death like grip on ranboo's arm as I felt him wince. releasing slightly I gazed at the fox in fear, he hummed, sniffing again.
"looks like it was a spilt potion, false alarm."
I nearly sighed in relief, keeping my hold on ranboo as the taller watched them with a calculating glare as they Lefr for the last time, we stay there till the potion wore off. Ranboo still kept me close as we packed, as we did late evening, techno and Phil barged in.
"oh gods you guys are okay-"
After a while we talked about what had happened and they explained to us how they'd tried this before but this time they tried to burn him, which of course, did work on a nether mob.
"let's get some sleep, you guys travel tomorrow right?"
I nodded and pulled ranboo upstairs, as he waved to the others.
"cuddles please, ran."
"sure, Tommy."

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