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Having quickly rushed ran and I upstairs after dropping the kids off to the others we changed as I hid my wings and we headed back down. I was in an open back shirt, with some homemade jewellery and my ring. Ranboo was in a black button up with a vest and suit pants. I had to clean his claws before leaving him upstairs and telling him I'd be back with a kiss to his forehead.
"what happened, man?!"
Fundy whisper yelled as the kids cuddled asleep, yogurt was their as well. I sighed and sat at the kitchen table.
"we drop off our shit and started walking, we where holding the kids, raskles fell asleep. Ran fell asleep and E-walked- don't giggle- and we kept walking.you know- Q- you know that guy I threw through a window?"
"you what?!"
I waved off fundy.
"yeah? Wait..."
"he showed up again and... He had a knife. Probably mad about loosing his job or some shit. And. I was so worried and I threatened him with ran cause he was right pissed." I chuckled to myself humorously. "he had water and ran was hissing, I just knew I had to keep it off him or we'd all be fucked- he wake up and panic- I'd probably get stabbed and the kids- gods the kids would be fucking traumatised. I backed us up- ran teleported- it happened so fast-he insulted ran! How could he inult my husband like that?! Some half-breed! He called them a half-breed! Gods I wanna go back and make sure the job is finished-" I hissed."-ran had attacked him once and I was holding the kids. He looked at us and-ran had already go a good hit, on his back?- and I was hiding the kids and he lunged at us. I covered us with my wing, ran t-took of his hand and we left quickly. And then... God's the stump that was left... It- it reminded me-"
I bit my tounge and looked at quackity, I saw tubbo walk back in and I looked at the robotic hand. I looked at the table and leaned on my hand. Covering my face as my eyes closed, taking a deep breath as images passed, memories of me taking a screaming, bloody tubbo as he sobbed through his burns. The time I had seen ranboo's lost horn, Sam's missing tail. My own stumps left from my ears and tail... I felt a hand shaking me and I gasped, looking up at papa. I latched onto him with a sob, my ears pressed to my head. He held me in a tight hug, I heard a distressed shreik as two more arms wrapped around me, cooing at me in ender as I sniffled. wrapping around ranboo and chittered, I felt them run a hand through my hair as they picked me up. Hephocraties walked over and looked confused, going to ask only to have q shake his head. I took a deep breath and sighed, hugging ran before getting out his arms and picking up the kids and walking up the stairs wordlessly. Ran followed and no one stopped me, I laid down and wrapped around them I heard a sad chirp and looked at ran, I nodded for him to lay down. He wrapped around my back as I shuffled more, holding the kids, slowly falling asleep.


I woke up with a gasp, grabbing my throat as I struggled for air. I felt hands on my shoulders as my senses caught up to me, the kids where now asleep on the sofa. The moon was in the sky and the city was quiet, I felt tears rage down my cheeks, my breathing still uneven as I gulped down a breath of air and looked into heteronormic, brimming with worry.
"Tom's.. Tom's what happened? I woke up and-you where rithing- I moved the kids and then when I came back you where muttering- you wouldn't wake up-you haven't had a nightmare that bad since-"
I flung myself onto him, wrapping myself into him, needing the comfort but, even though knowing he wouldn't mind, afraid he'd reject it. He wrapped my in his arms and leaned back to lay down, rubbing my scalp with his claws.
"not feeling like talking?"
I did feel like moving at all so I tapped his arm once as an answer. I heard a sigh and felt anxious, did I make him angry? He ws probably going to throw me out, what if he takes the kids? Or what if after their divorce his family shuns him? What if they take him back there. They wouldn't... Would th-
"Tommy, look me in my eyes. I love you as my best friend. I love you as my co-parent and I love you as my husband. They kids love you as much as I do, your dad's love you just the same. Tommy, please, just look me in the eyes, let me see you."
I took a shaking breath and looked to him, I probably looked a right state; my eyes full of tears I wouldn't let drop so they couldn't hurt ran, my nose red from sniffing, my face red and tear stained from my prior freak out, my whole body shaking as my lip quivered.
"i-im s-sorry."
I muttered, finally making eyecontact with him, he held my cheeks and wiped my eyes as I protested.
"y-you fuckin moron! Y-your gonna hurt your s-self."
I said, taking his hands of my cheeks, waiting for the small hissing sound to hit my ears and the small, purple, burn marks appear. Only they didn't, I looked at him confused, he only smiled at me, kissing my head.
"mum set me some long lasting water resistant potions, in ender time, it lasts 8 hours, but in over world time-"
I shook my head at him and leaned into his chest, a overwhelming feeling of guilt suddenly barged into me. I suddenly felt as though he was being emotionally neglected by me. Am I that bad of a partner? I wiped my face and sat up, he looked up at me conserned, I should be the one conserned here.
"I'm sorry I wasted your time ran, you need your rest, I'm sorry i worried you and ruined your sleep."
I said, wiping my nose I to the hoodie I and stolen from him, he sat up and frowned at me. I slumped into the hoodie a bit more afraid I had angered him, refusing to make eye contact. He kept the frown and looked me over his eyes scanning me for something, I felt my tail curl into me further as he finally looked at my face.
"Tommy, did my enderwalk do something to you? Did I hurt you? What happened after I fell asleep?"
He said, trying to make eye contact. I felt a bit of my past self wanting to crack through and ask why he was suddenly so egar to hold eyes and shit, already knowing half the answer... I think? Now I think of it do I know? I shook my head and turnt my head away from him.
"I need a verbal answer, Tom's."
"y-you didn't do anything... To me."
I said, keeping my head turnt, he held my cheeks forcing me to turn my head as he looked me dead in the eyes. I watched as his eyes sheene a green colour for a second only for them to go to their normal colours as he let me go. Moving back I looked at him, confused. He looked at me and rose an eyebrow.
"you know I was the one who suggested us get married right? I suggested for us to adopt the kids too. I wouldn't have done those two things if I wasn't prepared for the consequences. You don't need to be emotionally stable all the time for me. I- - unlike you- - can put my memories to the back of my mind and forget easily with my memory issues. You cant do that. I can. I know when I need to forget things and will. I don't want you to get hurt cause I'm not emotionally ready to handle a situation."
"why should that be diffrent for you?! Just cause- cause you can forget! What if one day we get in a huge argument and you just put it to the back burner and forget and something comes of the argument?! Like one of the kids getting hurt! I don't want you to repress yourself so much that when we fix those memory issues you have a breakdown!!"
He looked startled, I was as well, I wavered and moved back a bit. Leaning back in my arms as ran sat in front of me, sighing as I pulled the cover off the floor. I nodded for ran to lay down, he did and I did too, we faced eachother in silence, I took a breath and told him what had happened, from the start till we got here. I focused on the fabric I was running between my fingers. I spoke mindlessly till ran interrupted me with a smirk.
"I'm sorry what was that?"
I looked confused.
"what? What did I say?"
"so it is really cool how I protected you and the kids, huh?"
I blushed in embarrassment and slapped his arm as his tail flicked around with his laughter. I frowned and turnt over leaving my back to him.
"fine, no more story for you, night, boob boy."
I said, rubbing my face into the pillow, I expected to hear a noise of insult or a comeback of some sort. When I didn't hear one a opened one eye and flicked my ear, I heard his breath still so he was still there and breathing normally. Suddenly, he wrapped around me and held me in a vice like grip.
"tell me the rest and I'll let you go."
I felt him mutter to my collarbone, I blushed and smacked his head before twisting around.
"I don't know, I quiet enjoy cuddles."
He pouted up at me and I smiled with a yawn.
"today in a few hours."
"when we wake up."
I smiled and huddled into his chest as he kept me in the tight hold.

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