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Tw!! Some gore at the start.
Tommy pov

It's been nearly a year now, me and ranboo had bonded in our times between getting tortured.
Oh right. That.
He made it different for all three of us! You heard that right, three. You probably think tubbo right? Nope! We have Sam, he was in here before us, here cause he knew the prison and dream saw it as a threat. Sam is in a more... Maximum cell. His cell has an extra layer of obsidian, but me and ranboo can scream to him from our shared cell. Now, back to the torture! I, personally, am forced into a small box as he used a sword to stab into said space. Ranboo's, from what he's told me, is a room that slowly fills with water. Sam's? Sam's is an island, surrounded by lava, where he is forced to stand as chains hold up his arms while being shocked by lightning, he says he acts like it hurts so dream gets off his ass about it. Now you might think "yours and ranboo's sound like they could kill you!"
And you're right.
They do.
Every. Single.
At least you didn't see what happened at first - you see- I used to have raccoon ears an tail! Now? I'll normally have painful markings where they should be, as they regenerate each time I'm revived, resently, he's stopped cutting them off, instead screaming and pulling at them.
Now, we might be strong and shit. But eventually that's gonna affect your mental state, me and ranboo talking to schlatt, will and Mexican dream everytime. With the way our tortures are, we have gotten over our greatest fears and weaknesses. So lady death has graced (taken pity on more like) us by giving us a flower feild of which to enjoy ourselves, she cries everytime she sees us. She says her husbands mortal and she's working on contacting him to help us. I hope it's soon, I don't know how much we can take. Dreams visiting us less now, only giving us our food and the occasional torture... Is it cause the end of our sentence is nearly here? I sighed and I rubbed my face.
"you okay down there kids?"
I heard Sam's voice, I got up and walked to the door and ranboo stayed laid down.
"we're fine, pap's! Rans a lil' tired of the water though."
I heard his voices' scratchy laugh as he put his paw on his cell wall. I'd taken to calling him 'paps' and 'dad' for a while now, ran still prefering the 'Mr.redstone' or just Sam.
I smiled slightly at the head on my shoulder, I kissed ranboo's forehead before going back to talking with Sam. I heard familiar footsteps head to Sam's cell and pulled ranboo and myself from the door. Over the last year we'd bulked up a bit, gotten a lot stronger physically cause- well- better than nothing innit? I heard Sam's cell open, I could practically here his rage-wait- that's him hissing- I heard him scream loudly before a loud shock wave of an explosion forced me and ranboo to the ground, ranboo quickly wrapped around me before uncurling from me and sitting up where the sounds of falling debris stopped, blaring sirens filling our ears instead. As I sat up and we stumbled to our feet I immediately blinked, covering my eyes as the sun shone through the huge crater in the side of the prison. Gasped and looked at the sunrise, squeezing ranboo's hand, earning a light squeeze in return.
I stopped before turning around and squeaking as I leaned over the crater.
After a pause I started to panic, till I saw some blue sparks as the creeper centaur crawled out of the crater heaving.
"g-get *huff* o-out-"
"come on, paps' let's get you out too."
"Sam we need you out as well, come on."
It was a lil more difficult than hopped but it worked with all 3 of us tumbling free of the remaining prison debris.
"I took a cannon life. He'll take three days to re-spawn, we should be able to get far enough away by then. Is there anyone you need to get? I need to get ponky, big q and Rose, I'll see if they've got Boomer other wise hes safe."
I looked to ranboo and kept our hands locked before we nodded and turned to him.
" we'll go to my base and grab a bunch of shit then we'll- that alarms really getting on my nerves-"
Sam chuckled ruffling my hair.
" you kids do what you need to, I'll meet you at the portal so we can go to technos and grab your stuff ran."
Ranboo nodded mutely before wrapping his tail around me. I would have done the same had I not had the near constant pain in my tail and ears now. He smiled at me softly, a smile he's only shared with me recently, before we made our way to the prime path, we had been working with ranboo's memories and ender walk during our prison time, he's now remembered majority of things and his ender walk at least recognises me as a member of rand 'end' or some shit.
"there's my house! Ran! Look! It's still here!!"
I smiled, the stubble on my chin from the lack of self care becoming more obvious in the shimmering sun. His laugh was airy and relaxed, well more relaxed than I'd seen in the past year. I couldn't help but laugh too, it seemed crazy, after a year-it might have been longer-actually- can't tell much time in that place. To be free and breathing cool air fresh air not that boiling air in the prison. I ran to my doors and threw them open running to my old room. I smiled, not a thing out of place, I grabbed a change of clothes and went to the bathroom. Ranboo walked in and looked around, practically kneeling from how much he's been growing, now a solid 8'7 in height, just over Sam. I pointed to a set of drawers before turning to him.
"I made you some shit before we got taken to jail, I was gonna give it to you before I realised I made it too big, and well- you've grown now so-"
"I get it, thanks Tom's, have a nice shower, the lava pool is still under the house right?"
I nodded and cracked my bones, I felt his slightly cracked lips on my head before he left for my basement. I smiled before running the bath and smiled. Physically feeling my body relax to the point of me nearly falling asleep from the flower scented bubble bath. I heard some of my bones creak as the tried to relax after a y- og-fuckin- however long without relief. I smiled and washed myself before changing, putting on a black sleevless turtleneck, black skinny jeans and a blue sweater made from friends wool. Friend... I wonder how ghost bur is... I must of been lost in thought as I heard a soft set of knocked on the door.
"Tom's? We can collect stuff now?"
I shook my head and turned to the door before opening it and smiling at him. He was now wearing a black sleeveless shirt and black ripped skinny jeans.
"let's go, ran."
He smiled before looking at me with knowing eyes.
"let them out, Tom's, you know the condition they must be in."
I huffed, tensing again.
"do i-"
"yes you do, I'll preen the back and you'll preen the front."
I huffed releasing the set of black wings, ranboo smiled, petting down the golden blends. Before moving to preen the back of them, while I work on the front. I felt as they grew less tense and the muscles relaxed and fluttered senselessly.
"maybe you can finally learn to fly with air instead of fluttering in the cell."
I chuckled and removed the last feather.
"sure, boob boy, you can just say your jealous I can fly- ow!"
I jumped as he pulled out a broken feather a little harsher than the others.
"don't call me boob boy, child."
We paused, looking at each other before falling into a fit of laughter. I spread my wings I sighed, stretching.
"let's grab some stuff them well head to yours and grab some."
Ranboo smiled before pausing.
"my other homes in lmanburg..."
I froze. Sucking in a breath before shaking my golden-white locks.
"we'll have to suck it up, we aren't exiled, only prisoners."
He hummed and smiled at me as we walked, talking about what we can do when we leave with my siblings and Sam. As we reached lmanburgs walls we stared mutely at it, I shakely grabbed his hand. He looked at me and gave my hand a reassuring squeeze which I returned. As we walked in we where met with chaos, people running around and asking frantically who was trapped in the prison. Had tubbo not told the people? Had he not told them of his betrayal?
All heads turned to the podium, where an 18-ish male stood with ram horns and remnants of an exploration. Tubbo. He was still president.
"you have nothing to fear! The people in the prison are from here! They are apart of the history of this nation!"
Fundy, clearly from the fox features, said.
A voice called from the crowd, who I realised was eret, they where dressed in a green skirt and a white blouse.
"Tommy innit and ranboo beloved , from what we know."
There was a pause before an angered scream sounded from a near by house.
Phil yelled, he looked aged with stress and rage. So it had been to years.
"I'm 18 now?"
I muttered, apparently not to quietly as ranboo and someone else in the crowd turned to me. The hetronormic glasses told me it was Jack, though, he and the others looked worse for wear, more scars and wounds, clearly from another battle detailed most skin. Jack stuttered a breath, his face filling with some morbid sense of shock as I quickly put a hand to my mouth and pulled ranboo under the stairs.
"y-yes.. That's the reason-"
"why were they taken?"
Jack, seemingly over his shock, asked.
"they-they burnt down Georges house."
Another voice called out, Ghostburs, this time.
"but, Tommy's and you guys' houses always get blown up and destroyed a lot more than Georges was? There was only 2 blocks missing... A-and geo-"
"shut up, ghostbur."
I suppressed my rage, as me and ranboo made out way up a ladder, standing on one of the many Dock like paths. How can they just silence him? He has freedom as well.
"the ghost has a point. They should have had something like rebuilding it as a punishment. Not two years in prison."
Big q stated, a scar now cut into his face. I wonder how that happened.
"dream also threatened to confine us to walls! Trap us in here a-and take our stuff-"
A random civilian said, preach person. Meanwhile, ranboo and I snuck back to his old house, finding it untouched. He nodded to me and grabbed a bunch of stuff before stuffing it into the ender chest. I grabbed some stuff and shoved it into back packs before getting up and nodding to him.
"Tommy, before we sprint out of here like the prisoners we are, if we get out of this. Can we get platonically married?"
I jumped in surprise as he held my hand, I chuckled and kissed the back of his hand.
"it'd be an honour, Mr. Beloved, I'd expected more romantic vibes instead of this."
I stated dramatically placing a hand to my head. He chuckled holding me in a hug before smiling.
"as I'll ever be, big guy."
He held my hand as I held the strap of my bag in the other, my inventory empty for our last destination. We snuck out of the front door and looked around the stairs in front of ranboo's door, seeing the people angrily yelling at the platform as tubbos face filled with panic, he was looking around, and avoiding the crowd with his eyes. It was fine. Till. Ocean blue met opal. Time froze before I gasped and grabbed ranboo's hand and looked to him.
"he saw me-"
"we need to go. Now."
Ranboo said, grabbing me and pulling me by my hand as we sprinted, we used pearls to get over the crowd. I looked behind us and saw fundy, Jack and tubbo chasing after us as eret, Connor, ghostbur and puffy watched us run away with the rest of the citizens. I panicked and spread my wings, grabbing ranboo and hoping I was strong enough to take us into the air. As luck would have it, I was, As we glided I held ranboo tightly. We landed with a thud at Sam and his families feet, big q flying after me slightly. Sam had changed into a whit button up and a carpet like clothe over his back.
"we are ready to go to techs paps'"
"alright, I'll take you to technos, hide there till I come get you again. Techno owes be a favour for... A certain door."
He muttered, as big q landed, wheezing.
"okay- hannah, help your brother, Boomer, hold the stuff."
A whine left Boomer as he was dumped with the things as hannah held quackity in her arms.
"we've got a journey ahead of us, get ready."
Sam added before we disappeared into purple.

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