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Me and ranboo talked for a while as we laid over his sofa, the TV played Disney plus as we chatted mindlessly.
"no-no- wait- is you put a chicken in the same room as a snake you'd logically have an accurate basalisk in a room! Unless you manage to get a dragon, then you'd have a proper one!"
Ranboo nodded along as he ran a hand through my hair.
"mhm, mhm."
I pouted and grabbed his hand, he turned from the TV and looked at me confused. I put his hand in front of my face and started to play with it, bending it and making it flex while pushing at the still silky soft pads. He chuckled and moved his free hand to my cheek.
"now what's wrong, you only pout and look for a distraction when you want something or aren't feeling to well."
I looked at him then sighed sitting up and putting my head on his shoulder instead of his stomach.
"promise you won't think I'm being stupid or childish?"
He looked confused but nodded, taking my hand in his.
"of course not, toms."
I smiled slightly before looking down.
"I-... I feel like I'm holding you back, tubbo- he said I was a liability and- and I feel as though I've fulfilled my use to h-help you and p-pa and- a-and you're gonna leave me T-too and-"
I felt two hands on my cheeks as I cried covering my face and wiping my eyes.
" I-I'm s-sorry-I S-shouldn't have said that."
"no, Tom's, it's okay, I understand. At first, I thought that too. Especially in prison I thought you and Sam where gonna escape and leave me. But I realised now that, after all this time, we stuck together. From the second I joined this server, even when you tired to take the blame. We where in this together."
I wiped my eyes and smiled slightly, curling up into his chest as he pulled a large fluffy blanket over us.
"ranboo! I finished your- oh! Sorry!"
Ghostbur said, floating through the floor holding up his arms like there was meant to be something there.
"ghost bur, you left the cardigan down stairs."
I smiled, as Ghostbur laughed at himself and flew down to grab it, flying back up holding two cardigans.
"your one looked a little battered, so I made you a new one! I added something special for you two!"
I sat up with ranboo as he passed us our respective cardigans, I smiled at it as I looked it over. It was extremely baggy and soft, making it just as cozy as a blanket, on the wrist there where small alliums sown into it on the back was and ender pearl surrounded by dirt blocks. I looked at ranboo's and his was similar, but instead of and ender eye and dirt blocks, it was stal surrounded by cobblestone and golden feathers. I smiled at them and tugged mine on, smiling.
"OH! And! I mad holes for your wings! Mumza said you had some!"
I looked slightly surprised but shook my head. I forget he's the son of the godess of death, me and ranboo thanked him as he smiled and waved, floating over to technos through the walls. As he left 3 people in cloaks walked into technos land, tugging along a large carriage full of random items.
"that better not me lmanburg or I'm taking a connon life-"
As he said that, jack ran out of technos waving at them as they took down their hoods, showing sapnap, niki and eret.
"OH! It's Jack's stuff!"
Ranboo said, getting up. I followed him as we walked out, stumbling through the night snow to the group.
"-nd we are gonna have to move to the house when the residents leave."
"who's living there no-"
Sapnap said pointing to the house behind me and ranboo as he turnt to us. All of them gasped, eret used one hand to cover his mouth as niki and sap gaped and stumbled over their words.
"we don't look that bad, do we ran?"
Ranboo laughed and held his arm around my waist.
"I mean when we went in we didn't have as many scars and you're hair was completely blonde."
I hummed and nodded, toying with my hair.
"yeah, hi guys."
I smiled, awkwardly.
"oh my gods you guys are okay-"
"-well that's not right-"
"Well their alive so that's good!"
Niki stated, walking up to us. Ranboo's tail curled around my waist as he looked at her wearily.
"I wouldn't, they are still getting used to people and with the fact lmanburgs made two attempts to attack techno in the past two days? Really not helping them."
Niki frowned sadly but nodded.
"that's alright, I understand. It's great to see you guys, though I hope you have a better place to go."
I nodded as ranboo kept up his defensive glare.
"we are gonna go with Sam some place."
They nodded and shivered.
"we'll be in my temporary room, Sam's coming for you tomorrow, go get some sleep."
We nodded and went back home, ranboo looking over his shoulder as his eyes flickered purple with a growl.
"come on, boo."
He chirped at me as we went into the house, he crawled up the stairs and sat on the sofa waiting for me. As I got to him he pulled me into his lap and nuzzled into my face.
"hey! Stop it you fuckin softy."
I said, faux anger in my voice, he cooed and cuddled me closer.
"imma head to bed big guy, we have a big day alright?"
He nodded and picked me up, taking me to the bed and cuddling me into the sheets with a chirp. I laughed and hugged around his neck as he buried his head in my chest.
"night boo."
"⋏⟟☌⊑⏁, ⟒⋏⎅."
I smiled and closed my eyes as I fell asleep.

Time skip--------

I peeked open my eyes and squinted at the sunlight coming through the window. I looked down and smiled at ranboo who was still asleep on my chest, I smiled and started to ran my hands through his hair, untangling some knots. I heard quite purrs followed by a yawn.
"morning ran."
He grumbled and nuzzled into me again.
"sunlight irritating."
I laughed and sat up while holding his cheeks, putting our heads together.
"come on, paps is coming today."
He grumbled but kissed my nose, I smiled as he rolled over onto the bed.
I stood up and stretched walking to ranboo's drawers and taking some clothes before going to his bathroom.
"the fire resistance potions are under the sink."
Ranboo yelled as I turned to the lava pit he had for a bath.
"thanks, ran."
I drank the potion before taking a bath. Lava baths are surprisingly nice actually, after changing into a shirt, the cardigan and some shorts. After I changed into ranboo's oversized clothes I went to the man in question, who was wearing a black shirt with the cardigan Ghostburs made us and some ripped jeans. I grabbed his hand and pulled him downstairs, smiling at him.
"should I make us pancakes? Or maybe scrambled eggs? Oooh! Or we could bake cookies and have some for when Sam get here!-"
"calm down Tom's, let's go make some pancakes."
He said softly, smiling. I nodded and ran to the kitchen, grabbing out the items needed as ranboo put all our bags by the door. I started to mix the ingredients and poured them. After 3 pancakes where made for each plate, I passed ranboo on with chocolate spread and syrup.
"thanks, Tom's."
"whel coom."
I said through a mouth full of pancakes, earning an endeared chuckled. As we ate the door knocked and I swallowed my pancakes getting up with a smile.
"it's probably pa! I'll get him in!"
I sped over to the door and open the door. Only to freeze in confusion as two people stood in front of me.
"papa? Whys ponk here?"
He smiled and pointed to the masked man.
"me and ponkie are gonna help you guys move."
I smiled and opened the door further letting them in, ponk closed the door and the air became very serious.
"we saw punz and micheal heading to spawn, and leave with a weak looking dream. They are probably looking to help him prior to attacking or hunting us."
I froze up as ranboo did the same, un like Sam, who's torcher didn't really hurt, mine and ranboo's did. The thought of him coming after us when we just barely tasted freedom? That was a fear we'd never felt and darent feel again. Ranboo grabbed him and pulled him close as fear crept through his spine.
"techno has a compass to point to ponk, I will text him to follow it to me and you when ponk is with us."
I didn't answer as the time blurred, from us leaving to us getting home, everything is white noise. I could tell ranboo was in much the same state, though more defensive as he slowly slipped in and out of ender walk.

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