The Field

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Atsushis pov :
He wakes up in his bed room.
He is still in his bloody clothes thought.
He gets changed and goes into he kitchen to get some water .
In the living room Dazai, chuuya and Aktugawa were on the couch talking and watching TV .
"Hello Atsushi how are you feeling ?"
Dazai asks leaning over the back of the couch.
"You ask me that's question a lot Dazai so how are you feeling you were also caught up in everything"
Dazai sits there not knowing what to say .
Atsushi joins them with his water .
"Jinko do you drink anything other than water ?"
He turns to look at Aktugawa.
"No not really "
Aktugawa excepts the answer.
It was soon late and the others desired to go home and give the two boys space.
Atsushi is about to go to bed when Dazai asks him something.
"Thoses things you said earlier I wouldn't have expected from you and when you held them at the neck it was awesome Atsushi"
"Thanks but to be honest I was terrified I only grabbed the knife because I was about to pass out "
"Good use of things around you . Goodnight Atsushi"
"Night Dazai"
The two boys go to sleep in there rooms.
Dazais was set up a few weeks ago .
Atsushi didn't sleep much that night.
All he could picture when he closed his eyes were the headmaster and he ability user.
It made him feel sick .
He eventually fell seep at 4 in the morning giving him a few hours .
In the morning he heard more than one person .
But it was only him and Dazai ? And the TV doesn't sound like that.
He gets up and walks out his room towards the noise.
It was the agency all there in the living room.
Atsushi was confused to why they were here.
But also embarrassed because he looked a mess from just waking up.
"Hi Atsushi how did you sleep ?"
Dazai asks rubbing atsushis head head.
"i slept fine-"
He was cut short by yawning .
"Yeah ok Atsushi "
Dazai squeezed into the couch.
Atsushi got some water .
"Can I ask why you are all here ?"
The others looked at eachother.
"We are a little worried about you since the resent things you've been caught up in Atsushi and thought maybe you should take a break just working at the office "
The president says standing up.
Atsushi puts his water down and fixed his hair a little .
"But i like going out and doing things "
"We know but the things that have been happening are aimed towards you somehow "
Yosano also stands up adjusting her skirt.
"I don't see how that effects anything "
"Atsushi we don't want you working on the field for a bit it's ear it's effecting you mentally so just have a few weeks off and work inside with Naomi "
Dazai is trying to make it clear what the others are trying to say.
"Fine . I'll work inside for a while "
He puts his glass inside the sink and walks off to his room.
Dazais pov :
"Did he take that we'll ?"
Tanizaki asks from the corner .
"I'm not sure "
Dazai goes over to the sink and picks the cup up just for I to smash at the slightest touch.
"He broke it "
"No you did Dazai "
"Uh no kunikida I literally just tapped it . He must have been squizing the cup so no he didn't take it well."
"Ok but why did you check the cup ?"
"His hand was bleeding he may have shattered it a little before putting it down "
Everyone says there goodbyes and leaves so they can go to work.
Dazai goes to talk to Atsushi.
"He Atsushi I have to go to work are you coming or staying here "
Atsushi is bandaging up his hand .
"I'll stay here but I'll be in tomorrow "
"Ok see you later and Chuuya n Aku are coming over later around 8 I might be back by then Kay "
"Kay bye "
And Dazai heads to work leaving Atsushi alone .

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