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Atsushis pov :
The gang had left because the president wanted to talk to Atsushi alone.
This news made Atsushi nervous but he wasn't sure why because the president hasn't done anything to scare Atsushi.
The gang wished him luck and left and soon after the president walks in.
Atsushi sits up straight and takes a deep breath.
"How are you feeling Atsushi?"
The sudden question caught him off guard.
"Oh I'm fine thank you how are you ?"
He was just panicking at this point.
"I'm well but enough about me are you having trouble coping with what happened with the ability user?"
"Yes I guess I am"
"Ok why did you do what you did and I know its a stupid question"
"Everything was to much I felt like I was being swallowed by the world "
"We are going to keep you hear for the night is that alright?"
"Yes whatever you need to do"
"Only a few more questions have you been eating properly resently?"
Atsushi paused he didn't want to admit he hasn't but if he didn't it would only get worse .
"No not really I haven't been eating at all to be honest"
He felt slightly better after telling someone that but now he knew he would have to eat something.
"Ok we can get you something to eat then and are you sh free lately?"
The truth was he wasn't he had found some thing hidden in his room.
He knew he had to tell them or they would find out .
He looked down almost in shame.
"And where have you done this Atsushi so we can make sure that heal"
He had done it on his upper thigh so he pointed there.
The president nodded and left.
Atsushi wanted nothing more than to go home right now.
Presents pov :
He walks out of Atsushis room to go tell Yasano what he had discovered.
"Get any new information sir ?"
"He has some cuts on his thighs and he hasn't been eating"
Those word broke the gangs hearts.
Had did they not notice.
"Ok I'll get him something to eat you three go to his house and get some clothes for him please"
Yasano ordered while pointing at the gang .
The gang left and Yasano went to get food .
Mori approach the president with a horrible grin oh his face.
"How long have you been aware of this behaviour?"
"A few months why "
"No reason just curious and about his background did you know much about that ?"
"No we didn't and what is the meaning to thses questions Mori?"
"Just pure curiosity that all Fukuzawa"
And with that Mori left taking the other mafia members with him.
Atsushis pov :
He fell asleep not soon after the president left.
After an hour he was woken up by Yasano with food and clothing .
Atsushi got changed and ate.
He didn't put up a fight because it would mess everything up.
He went straight to sleep after eating hoping it won't get as bad as what happened the night Aku helped him.
Unlucky for him it was just as worse every muscle in his body aches and his ears starting to ring.
Even though he was laying down it felt as if he was about to pass out.
Yasano came to check on him while he was sleeping.
Or trying to he keeps waking up because he felt as if he was gonna throw up.
She came in and found Atsushi Charles up in his bed.
But because of the covers all you saw was the top of his head picking out from the covers.
She laughed and left thinking he was in some weird sleeping position and not in total pain.
It felt as if he was being punched all over.
He was now crying but no one was there to hear .

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