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The next day :
Dazais pov :
It was a good morning so far just him and kunikida at the office because he got a ride from him.
The others arriving as the day goes on.
Finally the one and only Atsushis appears and every one is shocked at what they see.
He has dark circles under his eyes from lack of sleep, messy hair and it looked like he hadn't changed clothes and what looked like a black eye.
They were all concerned and confused as to why he looks like this.
Atsushis pov :
He woke up to the worst headache he had ever experienced.
It felt like his brain was about to fall out his head.
Because he woke up so late he didn't have time to check the mirror so he looked horrible.
Once he arrived he was confused himself as to why everyone was staring at him.
It took him a while to eventually look in a mirror and see what they were seeing.
He didn't know what to say because the true was he did drugs with strangers and got really high and probably smashed his face on something.
"Why do you smell like weed?"
Dazai said to Atsushi sniffing his hair from behind.
"can you not do that and I was jumped"
"You were jumped why didn't you tell us we could have helped sooner"
Dazai was now hugging Atsushi really tight.
"Do you remember what the people looked like Atsushi?"
Kunikida asks pulling Dazai away from Atsuhsi.
Of course he knew what they looked like but he wasn't going to say that.
"No they put something over my head so I couldn't see."
"Ok are you sure your alright you look pretty banged up"
Atsushi nodded and attempted to walk away.
"I'll take a look at him if you want me to"
"No I don't think he needs it he only had a swollen eye all he needs is ice and he'll be ok"
Yasano nodded and went to get ice for Atsushis eye.
He was sent home later that day because the president saw and said he needed rest.
As soon as Atsushi got home he changed clothes and headed back out.
He walked quickly incase anyone saw him.
He stopped at an old alleyway full of smoke.
"I see your back for more kid"
He sat down and got what he needed.
He went back home two hours later.
Seeing he had two missed called from Dazai.
"Hello Dazai you called"
"Ah Atsushi just in time we're at the store you want anything?"
"No I'm ok but thanks for the offer"
"Ok that's fine can me and the gang swing round later to check on you please"
"Ok around what time!"
"7 ish?"
"Ok see ya"
He ended the call and set an ala for three hours and went to sleep.
Hour later :
Atsushi was woken up by a banging at his door.
He went and opened it forgetting that the gang was coming over.
"Oh hi guys I forgot you were coming over I would have cleaned but I fell asleep "
"We don't care Atsushi don't worry"
Chuuya says walking in with bags in his hands.

"Your eye has gone down but you still smell of weed"
"Thank you for reminding me Dazai I need to shower later"
"Go shower now we need to put all the shoping away and can we use your fridge?"
"Yes you can and ok I'll only be about 10 minutes"
Atsushi walked off leaving the others to put stuff away.
He got all the stuff he needed like a towel and hair dryer stuff like that.
He then turned on the shower all the way so the water burned his skin.
He let out a loud sigh but no one heard because of the water.
He stood there letting all the water go over his cuts and scars.
He hadn't sh in a while but he didn't have the energy to do it today so he cleaned up and got out.
Lucky he had also gotten clothes so he didn't have to walk around with his scars out.
After that he re joined the others back in the kitchen.

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