What is this feeling ?

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Atsushis pov :
He had woken up later than the others because of how much energy he lost last night.
"Good morning Atsushi did you sleep well last night ?"
Dazai said sitting on the edge of the coach leaning over Atsushis face.
"Yes ok slept well what about you guys ?"
He gets up and turns to the others.
It was still earlie so all he got was a nod and thumbs up from Dazai because he was drinking chocolate milk he got from the store earlier.
"Atsushi do you want some breakfast? we went to the store whilst you were sleeping and got some things "
Chuuya half yelled from the kitchen whilst going through the bags.
Atsushi walks over and looks through the bags picking up an apple.
Few hours later
Atsushis pov still :
It's been a couple hours and Chuuya and Aktugawa have left because they were called to work and Dazai is leaving soon aswell.
"Bye Atsushi see you tomorrow at work bye bye "
"Bye Dazai see ya "
And then Dazai left leaving Atsushi all alone once again.
He didn't know what to do and he didn't have enough food nor energy to empty himself so he went on a walk.
He walked for an hour all around the Yokohama not really knowing where he was going.
He ended up in an alleyway that he didn't recognize.
All he knew was that he could smell this amazing smell a little like a sweet smelling fruit and a tree mixed and loads of smoke.
And having nothing to do he walks towards it finding himself in the middle of a group of smokers. They were smoking, vaping and injecting one another with different liquids.
Atsushi was intrigued.
"what do you want kid you can't stand there all day!"
"What are you doing!"
Is all he could think could to say.
The man looked at the others before replying.
"Where doing drugs you want some?"
Atsushis mind was fogged up from all the smoke so he wasn't thinking straight.
"okay !"
And with that he sat down and let them do what they wanted.
The moment the liquid went into his blood stream he felt amazing like he could take on the world.
He liked no he loved this feeling.
After a few hours it was getting dark so he started to head home still feeling the effects of the liquid in his body.
He got home and fell straight asleep without even noticing it.
Dazais pov
Just after he left Atsushis :
He had left because the president wanted to talk with him at the agency.
At the agency.
"Ok Dazai I wanted to ask you a few questions is that alright?"
"Of course sir you don't need to ask."
"Ok then let's begin why weren't you in yesterday you just got up and left and we needed your help with a case ?"
"Atsushi needed my help sir"
"Help with what may I ask?"
"He and Aktugawa got into rather a nasty argument and me and Chuuya fixed it by having a sleepover"
"And what was the argument about do you know?"
"Aktugawa lost his temper because he broke his arm because Atsushi passed out during the mixed agency battle the other day and Atsushi didn't take it well sir"
"I see you may go now but first you need to finish the reports you have missed there on your desk go"
Dazai nodded and went to the main office to do his work.
"oh so you are alive and I thought you finally committed"
"Yes yes I'm still alive sadly kunikida I was helping Atsushi out ok"
"Ok just get you work done you've missed a lot"
Dazai nodded and pulled out the paper that was in his desk and started working on it.
It's now midnight and Dazai has only just left work because he had so much work and he was so tired.
When he got home he didn't have time to re read his suiside book and went straight to sleep.

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