Guardian grabbed him by the collar and slammed him into the floor, dragging him at a high speed.

After a few seconds Boomhead was exhausted by the combat. Guardian broke his arm to avoid more resistance.

Guardian: be careful what you wish for Boomhead.

Guardian grabbed his neck and began to slightly choke it.

Boomhead: hehe go ahead.... do it.

Guardian: it would be so easy, just a simple snap on your neck and it's over.

Boomhead: then what are you waiting for? Kill me!

Guardian: ...... no.

He let go of Boomhead.

Guardian: I will not cross that line no matter how easy it is. I do not get to decide who lives and who dies. I am a defender of the innocent, and nothing more.

Boomhead: shame..... well at least I'll get to see the fireworks.

Guardian: fire works?

In that moment the missile alarm triggered around the city's street, Guardian looked up in the sky and saw three missiles up in the air.

Guardian: what have you done?

Boomhead: my mission.

Guardian knocked out Boomhead so he wouldn't escape and contacted Wayne through his comms.

Guardian: Wayne come in this Guardian.

Wayne: Tadano where the hell are you?

Guardian: I'm in Venice, the Red Legion made an attempt to the prime minister while he was here.

Wayne: did you see the missiles?

Guardian: that's what I wanted to ask you about, who sent those missiles?

Wayne: the Red Legion that's who did it.

Guardian: what?!

Wayne: we're trying to override the launch but it's too late for that.

Guardian: not if I can intervene.

Guardian went flying for the first missiles that headed east, to be precise it was heading to North America.

Guardian was quick enough to grab it before it could reach the east coast. The only place he could launch, the sun. After that he went to the second missile, this one was heading to Africa.

With Mike and the group.

Mike: so that's what happened to Tadano.

Najimi: exactly, it's nothing too serious but he'll just be late to the party.

Onemine: man it's a shame, but I guess that's out of our hands.

Yamai: well then in any case we should head to Komi-sama's place, she must be waiting for us we can't let her down.

Mike: (she only says that because she wants Komi for herself.)

Najimi: yeah let's go, can't keep the birthday girl waiting.

While the group of Shouko's friends were heading to her home Guardian had already caught the second missile. Now he made his way into the third missile.

The bad news is that the missiles was getting closer to its target, even more bad news it was heading towards Asia.

Guardian: come Hitohito you have to catch it.

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