🦋14.Welcome Home🦋

Começar do início

Coming......It's just 5 p.m Lek. Why are you in rush? See how calm I am.

You? Being calm? Give me your hands. Where are the nails in your fingers?

Yes, where are my nails?!

You were so nervous that you didn't even know that you bit all your nails phi.

Ok fine. I accept I'm nervous.

They started eating happily until they heard the news on the Tv.

A dead body was found in a canal with de captivated limbs and a slitted throat.

The officer states this must have happened last night as the wounds in the body are still fresh.

What is this Phi? Another murder? What's happening around us?

Yeah, Lek. I think the last drop of humanity that existed in the our heart is starting to reduce. That's why these murders occur.

But phi.... Doesn't this murder look like the one which happened in our town a month ago? I think we have welcomed a serial killer into our society.

Nothing like that Lek. Don't confuse yourself. Just eat your food.

After some time, Pete and Lek left for Vegas's house in a cab.

Lek I am nervous

Don't be nervous phi. I am here. I will take care of everything.

What if his parents disapprove of me Lek? What if his sibling doesn't welcome me?

Phi.....P'Vegas is an orphan!


Yes, phi. He doesn't have a single person to call his family member. I heard him speaking in many interviews about how he grew up in an orphanage from his childhood. That's why I am so happy that you will be accompanying my idol who was all alone till now.

I couldn't believe this. Vegas was all alone till now? Life must have been hard for him. So I pledge myself that I will take care of him to my best while I am going to act as his fake boyfriend.

When the cab stopped in front of his house, Pete and Lek rechecked whether they are at the right address.

Because first of all the house was so big that the entire people from Pete's town can reside in that one house.

And secondly, the house was decorated with a variety of lights and decorations.

When they entered the house, they welcomed in red carpet with housekeepers standing with flowers on both the side. They cheerfully smiled and bowed their heads to welcome pete.

Among them a woman in late 50s said waving her to the main door,

This way Mr. Pete Theerapanyakul

Pete Theera...panyakul?

Pete was dumbfounded because of his new name.Lek started giggling at this.

Come on P'Pete. You have to get use to it. This is your future.

Then Pete and Lek moved inside the house which was like a palace. It is a two storey building. The entire path towards the house from the entrance was covered with flowers.

The lady showed the dining table. Pete was awestruck by the foods that were placed on the table. The table was full. Full of food that was Pete's favourite.

Please sit Khun. I will inform Khun Vegas about your arrival

Pete and Lek sat on the dining table waiting for the arrival of the white devil.

And soon it happened. His white devil came down of the stairs in Black sleeveless t- shirt showing off his strong arms and his chest which were eagerly waiting to come out to grab everyone's attention.

First i have make sure he doesn't wear this kind of dress out of his room

Pete thought to himself.

Vegas came straight to Pete and planted a small kiss on his cheek. Pete turned into a tomato which was like on the food on the table. Then vegas said hugging his hips

Welcome Home my love

All we need is Love - Vegas PeteOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora