Chapter 8: An Unexpected Visitor

Start from the beginning

Grey has been staying in my apartment for a few days now. The girl he brought with him, Cecilia, is incredible. Ever since I imbued mana into her core restrictor to make it release, Grey has been teaching her mana theory. In just three days, she's proficient enough to use mana to cast wind, water, and fire spells well enough to clean my apartment and wash my clothes. Interesting use for godlike powers.

"Thanks, again, Cecilia. It's been really nice to not have to do many chores, but you don't have to do all of them." I say.

"You're letting us stay here free of charge. It's the least I can do. Plus, it helps me get better at mana manipulation!" she says with a huge smile. 

"'Get better at mana manipulation.' As if you aren't already leagues above every other mage in Alacrya and Dicathen in just three days." I blurt with a scoff.

"Play nice, Caera. I can't break up a fight between you too. You know... a gentleman never hits a woman," I hear from over my shoulder. 

"Since when were you a gentleman, Grey?" I ask. 

"Whenever I gave you that locket around your neck that you seem to have forgotten to ask me about," he says.

Fuck. He's right. I completely forgot. But I can't admit that!

"I was just waiting for you to bring it up, Sir Grey," I tease.

"Sure, horny. That's what I'd say too if I forgot," I hear as an unwelcomed purple and black wolf decides to pop out of Grey's chest and chime in.

"Regis, you're supposed to be on my side!" I yell. 

"I'm not on either side this time. He's been thinking nonstop about when you're gong to ask him about it that it's driving me insane. This is for my own well being, MY side," he spits before receding back into Grey's chest. 

Grey's face goes flush. What could be in here that would make him blush like that?

"Alright, fine then. I'll ask," I state. "Grey, would you please open this locket for me?" I ask, giving him my best puppy-dog eyes. 

He sighs. 

"Yeah, Caera. I'll open it," he says, walking over to me with a slightly gloomy face. "Though, whenever I do, can you go and look at what's inside in your room? I don't really want to watch you while you check it out," he tells me while taking the locket into one hand and turning the other hand counter-clockwise.

"I mean... I guess so, Grey. Why? Is it that embarrassing?" I tease.

"Y-yeah, Caera. It kind of is," he replies, face going flush as he scratches the back of his neck. 

"O-oh. Okay," I mutter, not sure what to think of the current situation. What could make him that flustered?

Grey turns around and goes back to the kitchen where he pours a glass of water and proceeds to stare at the wall, presumably waiting for me to go and open the locket in my room. I readily comply. Standing up, I motion to open my door when I notice Cecilia giving me two thumbs up and a huge, supportive smile. Interesting.

I open my door and take a seat on the bed. 

I unclasp the locket from my neck and take a quick glance at it. The light purple glow is gone. 

I begin to fidget with the clasp that keeps both halves of the locket closed. Once open, all I see is a small clear crystal. Is this a diamond? What does this mean? Is he proposing? 

"Yes, Grey! I will!" I yell at my still cracked door. 

"What?" he asks, peeking his head in the door. 

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