5. Evolution Ends, Burning Building

Start from the beginning

But not as fast as the baldy and Spidey, Tornado thought, crossing her arms as Carnage Kabuto reappeared behind Saitama with his fist cocked back.

Carnage Kabuto had run against the wall and landed behind Saitama with a large thud, landing with force as pieces of the ground beneath him cracked. He cocked his fist back with an arrogant smile, before an overwhelming sense of fear overcame him.

'W-What's this?!' He felt like he was screaming, but no sound came out. Carnage Kabuto was captured by a sense of pure fear, his body not allowing him to move. Pressure flowed through him like none before, and he could feel his heartbeat becoming louder and louder. His fist made the slightest movement before stopping, and he couldn't bring himself to attack Saitama. There was only an overwhelming sense of dread as his instincts overcame him.

He gulped, then flew all the way back to the wall, his hands pressed up against it. The beetle was heavily breathing, beads of sweat rolling down his head.

'WHO IS THIS GUY?' Carnage Kabuto wondered frantically, trying to recompose himself. 'He's leaving himself wide open, but all of my instincts are telling me to back off!' He gulped, realizing something. 'If I attacked right then...he would've killed me.'

"BASTARD!" He called out. "HOW DID YOU BECOME SO STRONG?!" His breaths were still heavy, though slightly calmed.

Doctor Genus' jaw dropped as he whispered, "Carnage Kabuto...backed off?!" He stared in awe at Saitama, as the atmosphere changed once more. At the beetle's retreat, the bald man sighed.

"So you wanna know too," Saitama shrugged. "Fine. I'll tell you." At this point, Tornado met the sight of a new man. Instead of the normal round shape of Saitama's head, it was replaced with a sharp, serious face that fit the man's godly strength. His eyebrows were visible now, and his eyes were sharpened to the point where Carnage Kabuto could practically feel Saitama staring through his soul. Instead of a casual smile, his face contorted into a serious stern expression. Another notable change was that Saitama's posture, which was normally horrible, had become perfect as he stood up straight and with squared shoulders. It appeared as if he was possessed by Genos' seriousness, though seemed like an entirely different person than the man Tatsumaki normally saw.

"Genos, you listen, too," Saitama instructed, glancing at the damaged cyborg to ensure that he was paying attention.

'Is the baldy really gonna tell us NOW of all places?' Tornado thought incredulously.

'is he really going to inform us the source of power?' Genos wondered.

'They are definitely going be baffled.' Spider-man stated to himself since he heard this story before.

Doctor Genus whispered to himself, clutching his arm in pain, "Yes...tell me, Saitama...tell me how natural human power can possibly intimidate my greatest creation."

"BALDY!" Tornado yelled angrily. "DON'T TELL HIM!" Her anger seemed to snap Saitama out of his seriousness for a moment, before he regained composure.

"Why not, Tats?" He spoke. In response, she sighed, knowing that she wouldn't get past his thick skull.

As Saitama turned his attention back to Carnage Kabuto, he began, "Listen up. What really matters is continuing this strict training routine."

"Training?" Tornado wondered aloud. "What sort of training did the baldy do?"

'Not genetic manipulation, surgical modifications, or even a secret drug?' Doctor Genus ran through the possibilities that came to mind. 'Justtraining?'

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