18. Meeting The King

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Days have passed by, walking through the streets of M-City, Saitama and Genos were carrying their groceries, as they were making their way back home from a shopping trip.

After walking for a bit longer, they turned the corner of a large building and saw an intimidating man in a hoodie and a baseball hat walk out of a video game store with a big smile on his face. Genos' facial scanners quickly identified this person as the S-Class Hero, King.

Feeling that Saitama may be interested in learning more about this man, Genos pointed out who was walking by them, "Sensei, that person in front of us appears to be King."

Being the ever knowledgeable fellow that he is, Saitama had no idea what Genos was talking about and asked, "Who?"

"He is a Hero that we met during the S-Class meeting. He has earned the title of the strongest man in the world. Although, that is likely due to you not being more well known to the public. I wonder what he is doing in a place like this," Genos explained to his teacher.

Before any more questions could be asked or explanations given, the ground shook for a moment. Suddenly, the varied screams of terrified people were heard all around, all of them yelling that a monster had shown up. Looking in the direction that the screams were coming from, Genos saw a fourteen-foot tall robot standing in the center of a freshly created crater. The robot's frame was outfitted with shiny and ornate plating and decorations, including a headpiece that looked like a crown, a large spiked wheel that was welded to its shoulders, and even a massive furred cape was billowing off of its back.

Looking at this robot with a slightly puzzled, but mostly blank gaze, Genos asked aloud, "Some kind of monster? Sensei could most likely wipe it out... No, wait. This might be a good opportunity to observe King's strength in person. Let us wait and see how he handles this enemy."

As it approached him, King looked up and glared at this metal behemoth, as it began to speak to him in a deep electronic voice, "My Name Is G4. I Am A Machine God Created By The Organization. You're The Strongest Hero, King. I Have Come To Eliminate You!"

Hearing what this robot said, a good portion of the people who had been running away stopped to turn around and look at the impending fight, with one person asking, "Did that thing say it's fighting King? I guess we don't need to run away. King'll take care of this without a problem!"

As the drumming of his King Engine began to roar, King asked G4 a question, with blatant annoyance in his tone, "Huh,The Organization? What are you talking about? You should just runoff. I'm the strongest man on Earth. I'm ranked as the number 8 Hero in S-Class, King. Did you even know that before you came here?!"

In the exact instant that King finished his threat, G4 pulled out a sword proportionate to its own size, held the blade only a few inches from King's face. The wind force of the swing knocked the S-Class' hat off.

The King Engine began booming even louder when this happened, as G4 exclaimed, "I Said I Have Come To Kill You! This Is A Performance Test For My Battle A.I.! I Cannot Collect Any Data If I Kill You By Surprise! Fight Me With All You Got!"

Just as his hat touched the ground, King sighed in frustration, put his hands in his hoodie's pockets, and, just as his King Engine blasted at its loudest, he explained to the machine god, "Fine. But let me use the bathroom first. I can't bring out even half of my strength if I have to hold it in. It won't give you satisfying data if you can't fight me at full strength, right?"

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