29. Breakfast, World Trade Center

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Spider-man began to toss and turn in his futon, he was starting to have nightmares once again.

His mind wasn't a nice place to be, every night he would always find ways to try to break through it but it wasn't enough, Carnage would always find ways to beat him no matter how much Spider-man tries to change things in his past, it would always come back to haunt him every step of the way.

It was almost like Carnage was still part of Spider-man's life ever since that day 10 years ago, the memory would always come back, it made Spider-man think that he had just killed him at the very start, he would be with Yuri and May to this day but he knows that there is no way to turn back time.

The horrible screeches were loud and awful that Spider-man would just beg for the noise to stop completely and that was like music to Carnage's ears. Hearing that insane laugh over and over again, it was sounding like nails on a chalkboard. Seeing the vision of Cletus Kasady's mind was always unpleasant, it pretty much showed Cletus's murderous intentions about how he'll kill a lot of bodies for fun, the guy even at the age of 6 would have images of how he'll kill his own family members.

Spider-man always wondered how it was always a miracle of how he never went insane since that night 6 years ago, he knew his own will was unbreakable but what would've happened if he didn't fight off the temptation of being insane. He would never know how different things would turn out to be. All that mattered most was the real Carnage was gone for good, the people in his world were safe, Venom probably had everything under control, well he hoped he did.

This was just hell for him, absolute hell on earth, and there was nothing he could do to change that.

Fubuki was by his side, she could only see Spider-man having to struggle against the nightmares that plagued his mind, whatever he was seeing, it's probably intense enough that it could drive anyone insane but he was able to fight through the insanity.

Fubuki gave him a sad look, she honestly wished that they was something she could do to help him but maybe he would be against the idea, he's afraid that it would be too much for her to handle, but maybe seeing her by his side was enough for that, having to go through whatever played back and forth in his dreams, it was enough to let Spider-man keep on moving forward.

Fubuki woke up at the first sight of light, seeing Spider-man next to her, mumbling a few words that she was able to pick up, "Stop, Carnage, please, no more."

It pains the Esper to her heart to see Spider-man suffer through so much that it brings tears to her eyes as she gritted her teeth in anger, 'It's not fair, he always suffers the most out of all other heroes, not physically but mentally as well, he's just God's play thing at this point. Both him and Carnage's. He's lost, alone, scared. He's tired, tired of everything the world throws at him. He won't even sleep peacefully anymore and that angers me to another level. If there was some way to help him from his nightmares I would do it without giving it a second thought. He's probably hearing the screams of innocence being killed in his dreams by Carnage who is just enjoying every second of it, enjoying the pain that he's inflicting on Spider-man. Is he that predictable when it comes to saving lives knowing he can't ignore it? He's tired, Carnage has been haunting him for 10 years, but he still fights that monstrosity in his dreams. Has he ever thought of letting this one go, let it be someone else's problem? Just for a minute so he can finally rest in silence for a good one minute?...No, he can't. He wishes he could. He wishes he could.'


Spider-man lenses started to slowly open, well mostly the right one since the left eye still has the bandage underneath the mask, a delicious scent enters his nostrils, smells like eggs, bacon, sausage, and pancakes. There was a plate on the small table right in front of him as a blue aura surrounded the food to keep the heat from escaping.

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