44. A Hero or Monster? Part 4

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Two of them fight Garou in the skies as Garou grabs his opponent and pushes Spider-man into the Earth.

Garou grows two more arms and continues his onslaught on Spider-man, showing clear panic trying to defeat the hero, "QUIT FUCKING AROUND!?"

Despite being attacked by the Hero Hunter who is using all of his four arms, Fubuki interjects as she still manages to dodge, and parries a flurry of Garou's punches with the Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock, while also telling him to give up.

"You're getting more badass by the moment!" Spider-man compliments.

Afterwards, Garou places two of his hands on Spider-man and Fubuki and takes a form that resembles a jet while his remaining two arms emit energy to act as propulsion. Following a mighty attack called Extreme Power Attack, Garou pushes them into the Earth, which creates intense seismic waves that pass through the planet's core. The attack is so immensely powerful that it also distorts the space around Earth, moves oceanic plates and makes a continent rise up from the other side of the planet, even messing with the magnetic as well as gravitational fields.

Spider-man kicked Garou hard in the face

Despite his efforts, They is still unfazed by Garou's mighty attack and retaliates to their attacks. 

As the three of them return from the Earth's depth, Garou tries to fend off Spider-man's flurry of punches but fails. At this moment, Garou recalls the "abominable fist" Sage Centipede has once mentioned and deduces that it is referring to Spider-man instead of Garou himself. 

Spider-man and Fubuki both send a punch Garou hard in the face, causing him to crash through several mountains and eventually fall to a massive puddle.

As he slowly gets up, Garou is shocked and angered by their sudden overwhelming power, viewing them as the embodiment of unfairness. Even when Fubuki was just mere minutes away from being beaten by him when he emerged from the monster, she suddenly came out more powerful than him.

"Are you done, Garou? Felt like you blew off enough steam?" Spider-man asked as him and Fubuki walk forward.

'Technique, Speed, Power, Creativity, Attacks, it's, it's no use. I'm all out of ideas. Is this it? If my dreams of being absolute evil have fallen apart completely then let it happen by this guy's fist' Garou let's a chuckle.

Spider-man raised an eye in confusion as to what was so funny, Garou stands up, 'I had a feeling somewhere deep down inside that maybe this wouldn't work out. Ah, that must be it, maybe, THIS IS HOW I WANTED TO DIE ALL ALONG?'

Garou charges in, pulling his fist back for one last time but Spider-man simply grips the giant fist with his own making the Hero Hunter fall to his knees, "Garou, just stop. There is no point to this anymore and you know that."

Garou grits his sharp teeth, "Tsk, bastard. What are you waiting for? Finish me off! You're supposed to be a hero? Right!?"

"...I don't kill monsters, true monsters that thrive out of chaos and enjoy every single second of every kill they make for fun and amusement. Yet I can tell that you're not one of them. We know it and Tareo knows it."

"You call yourself a hero yet don't have the courage to kill for the greater good."

"I'm not that type of hero. And neither is Fubuki."

Fubuki placed a hand on Garou's forearm for comfort, "It's obvious you're not a bad person Garou, you just had bad luck with how society treated you."

Garou's broken wings lower to the ground as the words were entering his mind, Spider-man softens his grip as he let's go of Garou's fist.

"You can trust us if you let us understand you." Spider-man said.

Garou continued to look down at his own reflection, could he really bring it upon himself to abandon everything he's ever worked for and let all go down the drain just like that, all because of two heroes that take pity on him.

"....I can't trust you." Garou said in a soft voice as the Spider-themed hero raised his head, Garou clenched his fist, "I CAN'T TRUST ANYONE!"

Garou thrusts a fist towards Spider-man as the Hero Hunter feels his own human body shatter out his Monster shell after a strike from Spider-man and Fubuki making Garou fall into a pool of water.

Spider-man sighs as he unclenched his fist, "There is no getting through to him at all. He's too far gone up to the point where he is suicidal."

Fubuki grasped his shoulder, "We're not giving up on him yet. He's a just a complex individual who only needs understanding. Even if we try to dig deep enough he'll still not giving up on his reaching his goal. Has there ever been villain's that you've encountered like that before?"

"No, never. None were as fierce and dangerous as Garou all except for Carnage since he only wanted to see the world up in flames and chaos, but Garou's nothing like that. He only wants to be on the winning side as a Monster. And that's what it all comes down to in the end with Garou. The other heroes will not doubt kill him on sight when they don't even know what he's actually done during our fight."

"Yeah you're definitely telling me. Um, we should probably go get him before he drowns." Fubuki points out.

"Yeah that's a great idea." Spider-man was about to run forward up until he immediately stopped in his tracks. She knew that reaction and look all too well, she knew that his spider-sense went off. Meaning that something is amiss and possibly heading their way right now.

"What's wrong?" Fubuki fully turns around to face Spider-man.

"I don't know. Something's not right." Spider-man said with a worried tone as both of them look around the dark skies until someone lands right behind them with an aura giving off immeasurable power that's possibly far greater than there own.

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