11. The Class-S Meeting

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Atop the mountains of High Peaks was a dojo renowned as the origin of one of the most formidable martial arts in existence. It crashes and it flows and strikes with gentle yet deadly efficiency. It utilizes the most effective way of bringing down a target: to strike at its weakest spot thus accomplishing the deed with minimum time and effort. Emphasizing fluid and calm movements to exert less energy, it then quickly lashes out to bring down hardened targets when they least expect it. Prediction and countering of an opponent's moves by observing their subtle muscle contractions was what elevated the Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock above the rest. It was feared among the martial arts world and very few people had mastered its use.

All of this simply flew above Saitama's head as he listened, and as he now watched the master of the art, Bang, perform the aforementioned martial art in front of him with an undisclosed expression like a man duped in a pyramid scheme. Tatsumaki, who was floating beside him, also felt like they were being scammed and was embarrassed to death how she had misunderstood Bang's invitation. Genos remained silent and stoic as ever while he was next to Saitama.

Spider-man was next to the floating Tatsumaki was honestly intrigued by the fighting style. He has seen and experienced many but nothing could've been more awesome then the Fist of Flowing Water Crushing Rock. But like always he will always be using his own unpredictable style.

Fubuki was next to Spider-man, she thinks that learning a form of martial arts making for both offensive and defensive techniques would be beneficial for her since she needs an edge to battle monster in physical way instead of using her psychic powers at all time.

He finally finished his stance and relaxed. "It goes something like that". He looked at newcomers, "Want to try? You 5 look like quick learners. I bet you'll get the hang of it in no time."

"This is the reason why we came here?" Saitama asked, almost in a whine. "A sales pitch? This isn't what I expected of a dojo. I think I'll pass. How bout you guys?"

"No, I will pass as well, Master." Genos stated his opinion, "What I seek to learn is not the art of self-defense but total destructive power."

"I'll pass," answered Tatsumaki. "I've already seen it before, and I don't have time for some martial arts or self-defense or whatever. I train what I'm already good at and that's my psychic powers."

"I've fought people that could read any fighting style just by looking at them. Being unpredictable is a little better even though I got my ass kicked a few times here and there back then. But I'll probably give this fighting style a try. How about you, Fubuki?"

"I'll probably give this a try as well. Having to be taught by an Class-S hero wouldn't be too bad. I might even bring my Group here someday."

"All 30 members?"

"Definitely. You always say that there should be heroes out there that need to take responsibility and become strong. Physically and mentally."

Spider-man whistles, "Alright. Now we're talking. We'll start as soon as we can, Bang. You won't be disappointed."

Fubuki couldn't help but smile at his eagerness to learn from Bang and help her become strong.

Bang was just simply overjoyed inside, having young generations coming to his Dojo once again. Especially heroes.

Although the rude comments said by the other three heroes angered the only remaining student in Bang's dojo, Charanko a young man with orange bushy hair wearing a white karate gi, and a white belt shot to his feet. "Do not insult the fist of Flowing Water, Crushed Rock! I am Charanko, Bang Sensei's best disciple-!"

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