48. Sacrifices

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The favor involves Garou wanting Fubuki to copy his martial arts technique believing that Fubuki will be able to use it to its fullest potential, "Copy? You want me to copy your martial arts? Could've thought of something more creative."

"Watch your mouth. You should be able to copy my techniques and surpass them ever further. I'm going to pass on the most powerful techniques of "My Fist" as I envision it, which I haven't even managed to pull of myself. Even after stealing God's powers."

"Ok seriously, what the hell will that even accomplish?" Fubuki dryly replied as she crossed her arms.

"Try it and find out! From one martial arts prodigy to another."

Fubuki could only remain silent for a moment as she forms a smirks, "Alright. I'll take what I can get at this point since I have nothing else to lose."

Garou takes a stance as he preforms the techniques, "You won't have to. Jumping straight into learning the ultimate secrets in martial arts is fitting for someone like you. Now watch closely."

Fubuki nodded as she started to copy down Garou's movements as Garou continued to speak, "If anyone can be able to master the power of God, without taking God's hand itself, it's you."

"SILENCE! I'M TAKING THEM BACK!" Fubuki's looks up with worry wondering where that voice was coming from.

"God" silences Garou and begins to siphon his power and life which consequently makes Garou's body break down into salt.

Fubuki is concerned, "Gaoru?!"

Garou tells her to stay focused, "Don't worry about me! Concentrate!" Fubuki starts to get serious as her white eyes brighten.

As Fubuki appears to have successfully mastered the technique as Garou let's out his final words, "I will not die a monster. Now, Fubuki, get going and defeat it! You of all people can be able to do it! What you've got to the defeat is... that Ominous future!"

Garou fully perishes as the Hero Hunter's body crumbles into salt. Fubuki gasped at seeing what had happened as was suddenly pulled back by an intense force, "Woah!"

Fubuki travels backwards in time, seeing all the instances of their battle and amazed by Garou's technique. Fubuki lets out a chuckle, "Garou I shouldn't doubted your martial arts! Thank you."

When she spots the moment when Garou declares himself as that "ominous future" to the heroes of the Hero Association, "Gotcha. Web-head, This time I'll be the one saving you." Fubuki punches through it adding a Cosmic Strike.


Garou lands on top of a hill in front of every hero that was present in the ruins of City-Z. The remaining heroes immediately realize that the man standing before them was the source of the massive explosions just moments before. Only the S-Class heroes remain on the spot while the lower ranked heroes begin to run away in terror.

'Have I finally become what I've always dreamt of? The symbol that strikes fear in the hearts of heroes?' After a few seconds of realizing that he had become the symbol of being "Absolute Evil", he gazes up at the sky, 'Thank y-."

He is suddenly rocked by a powerful punch from Fubuki who had returned to the present. The punch itself was abnormally powered up during the battle on Io with Garou, who did not utilize a large portion of Fubuki's power at the time.

Garou is sent flying and crashing into the ground and off the heap, cracking his face. Garou, shocked at what just happened, then begins to lose his divine power as it escapes from the exposed portion of his face.

Fubuki was suddenly pulled back, flying out of nowhere towards an unknown location as the past version of her flies towards herself. The current Fubuki quickly spots Spider-man's body laying on the ground unconscious, seeing the opportunity she quickly shoots a project towards him giving him half of her Cosmic powers as the aura surrounded his body as it fades. That way both of them will be at 100 percent having their own Cosmic transformations.

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