35. Absolute Carnage

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On the same night the search for Garou was a little harder than Spider-man could ever admit, this was just simply one man fighting off many heroes for the fun of it. Yet, during his time in New York, finding criminals was easy probably because that New York was his personal home. Yet going all over the cities was such a hassle.

Currently watching the City-R, kneeling over an apartment building couching on the edge, things were pretty quiet.

"This may be more difficult than I thought." Spider-man said to himself up until a voice interrupted his train of thought.

Amai Mask greeted. "What a pleasant surprise to see you here."

Spider-man stands up to look down at the balcony to see the popular top ranked Class-A hero Amai Mask, "For the record I didn't know you live here." Spider-man replies as he jumps down to stand in front of the blue haired hero.

Amai Mask nodded. "The media and many of the Class-A and lower heroes are suspicious of how you have climbed the ranks of the Class-A so quickly. It will not be long before you break the top ten. The heroes of Class-A perceive you as a threat to their rank. The media does not appear to like you. Many outlets are calling for your demotion, or even expulsion from the Hero Association. I have been working to counteract these ideas, but I believe the best way to fully dispel the rumors would be to join me on a talk show."

"Nope," Spider-man replied. "I'd rather not make a big deal about it."

"It's already a big deal," Amai Mask countered. "I don't think you understand the gravity of the situation. This could be disastrous for your career as a hero."

Spider-man just shrugged. "I was a hero before this association, I'll still continue to be one regardless."

"If this issue is not dealt with, it may not only affect your career but your personal life," Amai Mask warned. "If the police start investigating you for fraud, it may become a hassle for you."

"The police? Why would they get involved with a Hero Association matter?" Spider-man asked.

"If they believe you blackmailed anyone for your position, they may start looking into your history to see if you have committed any crimes in the past," Amai Mask explained.

"Ah. I see," Spider-man said, "Good thing I have nothing to hide because I have nothing left in my personal life. All that's left is my hero persona."

Amai Mask growled and gritted his teeth. "I strongly urge you to reconsider."

"No," Spider-man said. "A hero shouldn't care about what people think of them. A hero does what's right in the face of adversity. You of all people should know that by now Amai Mask, considering that you say that heroes should be symbols of justice and peace and yet most of the heroes I've encountered are just in it for fame and money and that just makes me sick to my stomach, the people that I've been around all the time are nothing like that. Heroes in general should be more like One Punch Man, Mumen Rider, and me. Heroes should fight to their last breaths, giving it their all to save the weak. But that's only because being a superhero isn't all it's cracked up to be. Every day, you go out there and risk your life just so other people can live peaceful lives. To sacrifice so much blood and sweat while making sure you don't lose too much of both. I know I sound like one of those jokey superheroes, but I know when to drop the funny guy act. This superhero stuff, it's not a game. It's never a game for me when I first wore this mask 10 years ago. It's a responsibility, and I have to use the power I have to hold up to all that responsibility no matter what. With great power, comes great responsibility. No matter what power we have, be it a super power or a job position, we have to take it seriously. We can't just take it for granted. Believe me, I've made that mistake before I even started all this."

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