8. The Sea Folk

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"HA HA HA HA HA!" A massive humanoid octopus bellowed as he stomped from the beach towards the city, all nearby civilians screaming in terror as they ran away from him "Humans! if you wished to be spared from annihilation take heed! I bring a message from the depths!" It proclaimed.

However not too far from this location was there a hero already responding to the threat and while his means of transportation might not be the first thing one would think of it still was serving him well in traversing the distance with haste.

" *HUFF* *HUFF* *HUFF* " Mumen Rider breathed as he pedaled hoping he would make it to the creature before anyone could be hurt.

"HA HA HA!" The creature bellowed once more his laughter while still fairly distant now a bit louder telling him he was getting closer "You will surrender the surface to us! the clan of the sea folk!" It ordered as it cast it's hand out in front of it.

Upon hearing it's intention for the people and their city Mumen Rider as it usually happened felt a surge of energy suddenly hit him as he somehow pedaled even harder increasing his speed nearly tenfold.

"There you shall become our nourishment, bipedal human scum." It stated just before the sound of it's footsteps stopped.

Unknown to the cyclist for justice as he raced towards the creature hoping to keep it from harming others already was there a hero present.

"Hm?" The creature sounded as it leaned forward hoping to get a better look at the human who had caught it's eye "What a head! are you related to an octopus by any chance?" It asked as it pointed towards the human before it erupted in another bout of laughter.

Unsure as to why it had suddenly gone quiet when it was just laughing aloud Mumen Rider turned the corner to the street where he believed the monster would be only to be met with a shocking sight. While he had been correct in that this was the monster's location and in truth PART of it was still standing from the waist up it had been completely destroyed only bits and pieces which lay scattered everywhere as proof it did have an upper half.

"Man that was awesome!" A nearby civilian shouted as people began to gather around it's corpse.

"Who was that guy?"

"I think it was one of the new Class-S heroes. I forgot his name but he's in rank 5, he's super strong and he saved City-Z from the Meteor a few days ago."

He thought as a small smile came to his face, "Those Class-S heroes are incredible." He thought to himself as he turned his bike around.

Not wanting to somehow gain credit for this feat when he had done nothing Mumen Rider simply resumed his pedaling as he headed back home.

Fubuki, Spider-man, Tatsumaki, Saitama, and Genos were relaxing at Saitama's apartment complex. Watching the news while having tea while Genos himself was doing house work.

"Oh, excuse me," the gold-haired cyborg said as he answered his phone.

As the golden-haired cyborg spoke on the phone about going to City-J, Saitama couldn't help but be amused with how busy he is. Saitama decided to draw attention away from it by turning on the disaster channel.

As soon as Saitama turned on the television, Genos walked back into the room and asked politely, "Master, the monster you defeated on the way home yesterday. By any chance, did it refer to itself as a Sea Folk?"

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