2. The Lone Cyborg

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Yawning, he scratched his head as he had finally finished put on his casual outfit.

"On another note, those who live in City Z, it is advised you evacuate soon; it is reported that an incredibly large swarm of mosquitoes seem to be heading towards City Z. Stay inside and wait for further information until it is safe to exit your homes," the reporter finished. At that, Saitama turned off the television and walked onto his balcony to water his cactus.

As he watered his cactus idly, he couldn't help but be lost in thought and consequently, accidentally overwatering his cactus. The bald man was only knocked out of his train of thought by a mosquito landing on his arm.

Quickly smacking where the mosquito was, he was incredibly shocked to see that the mosquito had survived the attack. Wherever the mosquito moved, he tried to smack it into extinction, though the mosquito had evaded each and every blow, leading to an incredibly long battle between Saitama and the tiny mosquito.

Spider-man awoke from the sound of loud impact coming from next door. No doubt that Saitama was the one behind it. Letting out a yawn as he stretched his limbs as cracking noises were heard.

Making his way to the balcony, he looks over to his left to see Saitama going one on one with a misquote as it high speeds which was enough to make Spider-man laugh in amusement.

"You need a hand Saitama?" Spider-man shoots a webline to trap the Mosquito in place at the corner wall.

"Thanks. I was starting to loss my patience."

A knock was heard at Saitama's door. "Let me in, Baldy!" A familiar voice, though muffled, made its way to Saitama's ears. He had spent the last half hour trying to kill the mosquito, trapping it in his home so that it was trapped in the web that Spider-man made, doomed to be killed one day.

"Huh?" He questioned momentarily, before it clicked that Tatsumaki had indeed told him that they would meet up to talk about his becoming a hero. However, it had only clicked when he realized that somebody had once again remarked his lack of hair, his largest pet peeve.

Keeping an eye on the mosquito, making sure that there was no way it could escape, he walked over to the door and opened it.

Spider-man opens his door at the same time as Saitama.

At first, Saitama forgot the girl was much shorter than him, and thus, took him a moment to look down to make eye contact with the emerald-eyed girl, who had been annoyed by it, though less than normal.

"Oh, hey, Tatsu," he greeted with a short wave.

"Miss Tatsumaki." Spider-man does the same.

"Hey, Baldy. Spider-man." she politely replied. Though she was normally rude and acted in a way, even she knew when she should be polite and thankful to somebody. For some reason, she felt that it shouldn't be natural to be nice, but it did. She had been polite to others before, but not nice.

"Ready to go?"

Spider-man's Spider-sense went off, there was danger nearby, "Hold on, guys. Something is not right."

Suddenly a Mosquito was nearby as Saitama was starting to grit his teeth together maki g him look insane, "Damn Mosquitoes!"

"What's up with you Baldy?"

Spider-Man and The EsperTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon