- f i n a l - n o t e -

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(updated closing note - 02.28.2024)

welcome to the end of the prisoner (personally one of my favs - but i am biased bc PoA is one of my fav HP books)! ta-daaaaaaaaaaaaa

*fanfare plays just for you*

anyways, thank you so much for reading and being here! i hope you enjoyed it!

i would love to hear from you, so you can comment your hot takes, icks, favourite parts, etc. here if you want!

and don't worry – as of today (bc this is an updated closing note) books 1-2 and 4-6 have already been uploaded for some time and are ready for you to enjoy!

and if you want something a lil different, i have the first half of a pjo series uploaded as well (the elway saga) and a decent amount of a stranger things book uploaded as well!

but yeah!

thank you again for being here!

have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/goodnight!

i will see you around!


the prisoner - f.weasleyWhere stories live. Discover now