- c h a p t e r - f o u r t e e n -

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    Gemma passed nearly all of her exams with flying colours during the week of No Sleep.

    She struggled a little bit in Athrimacy and the last part of her Defence Against the Dark Arts exams. Still, she was currently trying to focus on her Divination exam as the fact that Buckbeak could be executed that day weighed heavily on her shoulders.

    Professor Trelawney was taking them all in separately and having them look into a crystal ball.

    This was another stressor hitting Gemma.

    The last time she had looked at the ball, she had seen something and the teacher had become unexpectedly sad.

    So when the redhead entered the room after Harry left, looking perplexed as all get out, and the professor spotted her, the same sorrowful expression overcame her face, "Hullo dear...come sit..."

    Gemma sat nervously, not looking at the teacher.

    "Are you ready?"

    The girl nodded.

    Almost immediately, the fog started to change shape and form different images.

    Gemma explained what she saw, but the professor seemed to already know what was going to show up as she started to speak, "This shows that you will experience a large change in your near future..." The woman murmured as Gemma sat silently. Her brows furrowed, and her tone became forlorn, "You will also experience great sorrow before a new age of joy will begin."

    Gemma just stared at the professor, "And what am I supposed to do with that?"

    Professor Trelawney was quiet for a moment before she reached across the table, her bangles clinking together, and grasped Gemma's hand, "Stay strong." Her big eyes watched her from behind her glasses. "I cannot completely explain, for it is your destiny, but keep your eyes on the moon, dear, for when the New Moon arrives..." She squeezed Gemma's hand, nodding at the crystal ball, "New things will come to pass, both good and bad."

    And with that, Gemma was sent off.

    It was not until later, when she got her grade, that she realised the professor did not really let Gemma actually give answers, rather just talked and explained some unclear things about her future.

    The redhead would soon try to retake the final, but the professor refused to let her do so.

    Gemma, after climbing down the rickety ladder from the classroom, entered the hall and hurried to find her friends. 

    The second she found them, she knew that Hagrid had lost his appeal with Cornelius Fudge.

    She could still see the executioner just waiting out in the courtyard, and her stomach clenched.

    "We've got to go..." Gemma breathed, her mind racing. "He-he can't be by himself, he needs us!"

    "Hagrid said to stay here," Hermione replied, her voice dripping with sorrow. "And with the trolls around, we wouldn't get anywhere anyways."

    "Sunset, though," Ron suddenly murmured, staring out the window. "We'd never be allowed... 'specially you, Harry..."

    Gemma suspected that sundown was when the execution would be taking place, and she watched as Harry dropped his head into his hands dejectedly.

    "If we only had the Invisibility Cloak..."

    "Where is it?" Hermione asked.

    Gemma filled her best friend in where it was currently hidden and sighed, "If Professor Snape sees any of us, especially Harry or Ron, near that statue again, we could all be in trouble..."

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