Chapter 20: PEMDAS

Start from the beginning

Grayson chuckles. "Please what?" He asks. Mercer begins breathing shallowly. "Please. What?" Grayson leans closer to him.

Victoria walks around Mercer, grabbing the back of his hair she yanks his head up, forcing him to look at Grayson and the blood bag. "Answer him or I will get violent." She threatens.

I cross my arms somewhat perplexed at this scene. Mercers shallow breathing, the sweating, his eyes remaining red. He's all too pale, ghostly at this point. This is all stuff that could happen while you're new but not this early on and all at once. It's been what? 10 minutes since he woke up from fully completing his transition?

"Please, I need it." His breath hitches.

"You need what?" Grayson antagonizes further.

Mercer sighs as he wheezes. "Please."

"Say it." Victoria pushes.

"Say 'I need blood' like the monster you now are." Grayson holds a sinister stare on him.

"I..." His voice cuts off as he chokes on his own air. "I need blood." The second he says those three words a vicious smile tugs at Morgan's lips.

Grayson laughs. "Look at how quickly your coveted morals flew out the window. How many minutes was that Victoria?"

Victoria releases her grip on the back of his hair and pulls out her phone from her back pocket to check the time. "About 3. You disappointed me Mercer, I bet Dane on the way here you'd last at least 10 after seeing the bag." Dane shakes his head feigning disappointment.

"Please." He pants.

"I'll let you have it just tell me what witch or what coven is spelling all of you." Grayson says.

He's shaking, vibrating and I hear his heart beating erratically- fast and skipping beats every now and then. "No!" He yells.

"Wait guys." I walk up to Mercer and place my hand on the side of his face. He's burning. The gray that suddenly coat his skin makes me think that death is either nearby or already here. "Somethings wrong." Just as I say that he starts coughing dryly.

I step back from him and soon enough blood comes up with his coughs. He pauses, his anxious state turns malevolent in a blink of an eye. He starts laughing hysterically through his periodic coughs. "I thought the bitch was lying."

"What?" I say.

He turns his attention to Grayson, looking him up and down with a pained smile on his face. "She wasn't lying."

"What are you on about?" Grayson crosses his arms.

"You're fucked." He continues cackling, getting cut off by him coughing up even more blood.

Grayson stomps closer to him and wraps his hand around his throat. "Explain."

"Neph-." He goes into a coughing fit that slowly turns back to him laughing. "Nephilim. Blood." He maniacally laughs. Grayson lets go of his throat and takes a step back.

The energy in the room shifts. The celebratory triumphant feelings moments before, now replaced by a charged silence. "That's not possible." Dane is the first to speak.

"It is." He smiles with blood stained teeth. "My abilities-." He coughs, wheezing on every word and every breath. "Nephilim." He begins laughing again.

Victoria walks around in front of him grabbing his throat and commanding his attention. "How many of you?"

Mercer continues laughing in her face. I don't have to see Victorias face to know she's seething. She shoved him backwards letting go of his neck. Now, seeing her face- she's seething.

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