Chapter 14: distractions

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Chloe Whitlock

Two weeks of training Morgan fly by. Aside from constantly looking like she's internally screeching she's actually doing well. Her strength isn't fully there yet, it seems to only come out in times of distress. Her speed I'd say is about halfway there now, but she's learning to control it. How to use it, how to stop. Speed was probably the hardest thing to figure out for me, especially stopping. The number of walls and doors I've flung myself into accidentally is embarrassing.

We've all been pretty hands on with Morgan, except Victoria and Grayson. Grayson continually makes snide comments about how we're starving her and Victoria just ignores Morgans existence. I tried talking to her about that, but she keeps saying that we're all doing such a bang up job she doesn't wanna intrude. In Victoria speak, that translates to; "I don't want to lead vampire bootcamp."

I wake up, unconsciously reaching over to Dane's empty spot. He actually slept in the same bed as me last night. I know it's only because we were hanging out with Kellan and Morgan the night before, they were acting all couple-y so that meant Dane had to. They stayed up longer than us so Dane was kind of forced to follow me into my room and not sneak off to the empty room across from Kellan. I welcomed it of course.

I hear shuffling coming from the bathroom and shortly thereafter the door opens up revealing Dane. "Hey." He says, heading over to the dresser, grabbing his phone.

"Hey." I smile. I missed waking up to him being in the same room as me. "What if we went out tonight. Like together." I suggest, throwing the covers off of me. I stand up and head towards him. "We haven't done something like that in a while."

"I don't really wanna leave the house if I don't have to." He says shoving his phone in his pocket.

I lay my arms on his shoulders, folding my hands together so they rest on the back of his neck. "Okay, we don't have to leave the house. We can have a little date night here. We can watch a movie, I can cook dinner-."

He raises his head finally making eye contact with me. "I think we should just be focusing on Morgan. That's the whole point of all of this."

"I know, I know. But she seems to be a bit preoccupied with Kellan. I think it's okay for us to take a small break..." His eyes are meeting mine but he's not looking at me. "Please?"

"I don't know. Maybe." He exhales. "Everyone's in the kitchen. We should head out." He says, putting his hand on my arm, I let go as he walks away from me straight out of my bedrooms door.

The past two weeks I've been sort of forcing everyone to have at least breakfast together to give some sense of normalcy to Morgan. Victoria's even participating. Ordinarily she's out or in her room- I'd expect nothing less from her, but I wish she'd at least try to get to know Morgan. She is her sister, however, I don't think Victoria came along with all of us to meet Morgan and become friends with her, only to protect her from Lucien. Victoria might not be a warm, loving person but when it comes to Lucien I know she'll do anything to protect Morgan from him. I guess that doesn't constitute actually having to talk to her.

I walk around to the table holding two half filled glasses of blood. Dane sits down at the table, as I place a glass of blood in front of Morgan. I started drinking only half a bag along with her, so she doesn't feel alone with that. I don't know how to feel about the half thing- for her at least. With Dane, Kellan, and I strict moderation is how we trained ourselves. Sticking to that, pretty much saved my life. With Morgan? I don't fully agree with Grayson but I do think that as a full blood she might need a little more. I've brought it up to Dane and Kellan and the both of them, mainly Kellan just snapped at me.

Speaking of Grayson. "Where's Grayson?" I ask sitting down next to Dane.

"Swimming. Apparently he had a rough night." Victoria says, bringing her blood bag up to her mouth.

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