Chapter 8: fucked up Princess Diaries

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Morgan Sinclair

"Can someone explain?" I ask once more.

"Let's sit." Kellan says already heading over to the living room with Chloe following.

I walk over as well, sitting down across from them. "Well?"

"So you know how we referred to your father and mother as being King and Queen?" Kellan begins.

"So I am a princess." I say.

"You're a High Royal. We all are." Kellan corrects firmly while Chloe presses her lips together preventing a smile.

She shrugs. "Same thing. Different title."

"So you're all royalty? Or we all are." I'm no longer surprised by anything. Although this is probably the coolest thing I've been told lately. "I know one of your parents are a queen or a king but what do you all do?"

"Responsibility wise, we have our city- our territory to rule over." Kellan answered. "Enforce rules, attempt keep peace within our species, and sometimes with witches and lycans."

"So you rule over them too?"

"No, they have their own hierarchy and rules." Kellan responds. "We- or at least some of us keep our relations with those two peaceful or at least neutral."

"Oh. Wait if you guys rule over a whole territory why are you here? Wouldn't it be noticeable that you're gone?"

Kellan smiles at me, amused by my- not knowing anything. Normally I'd be annoyed at that kind of smile. How could I know any of this? I'm not the biggest fan of being perceived as ignorant but that smile coming from him? I'm more than okay with. His eyes are practically glowing, he's excited to be able to inform of me of all of this, bring me into his world. "Sort of. A lot of us will leave our territory to our nobles for x amount of time for whatever reason. If anything needs our approval they can call or text. So it's normal for a High Royal to come and go. This happens to be a special occasion- you, and well you've experienced the hunters."

"They were fun." I roll my eyes. Didn't completely appreciate them shooting me and breaking my spine.

"We told our parents and whoever else that we're going after them." Kellan states.

"Specifically their creator. They're not just normal human hunters they're enhanced. They're stronger, faster, more durable." Chloe adds. "We know it's witches but we'd like to know exactly who's making them like that."

That explains why that guy lifted me over the railing like I was nothing.

"It's causing a lot of unrest." Kellans eyes harden, like memories of whatever these hunters have done just pushed to the forefront of his mind. "So to everyone we're all combining our resources and searching for whoever or whatever is giving them these abilities. Not a complete lie since we do have our nobles looking, but generally it's a cover. Everyone just thinks we're looking for them way more than we actually are." Kellan says getting up from the couch. "Do you either of you want water?"

"No thank you." I say as Chloe shakes her head no. "What's a noble?" I ask, while Kellan grabs a water bottle out of the fridge. I catch myself staring at his body- his back, his ass. It's very nice.

"It's the rank anyone gets if a High Royal turns them." Chloe responds, pulling my attention back to the issue at hand.

"People can get turned?"

Kellan makes his way over to the couch. "Yeah, there's a lot of vampires out there." He sits back down.

"And how do you do that?"

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