Chapter 21: hallucinations

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Morgan Sinclair

Grayson disappeared into his room upstairs around a few hours ago. Chloe went up to check on him about a little while ago and said he seemed okay just looked a little pale but she doesn't know if she was imagining that. It's been radio silence from Victoria and I don't think Kellan could physically care less about all of this. The only thing he's concerned about the idea that Nephilim blood could be out in the world coming from an unknown source. Dane dragged him along to go check on him just now and with every question they ask Grayson is only getting more and more irritated.

While they're upstairs Chloe continues her pacing in silence- what she's been doing the whole time. "How are you doing?"

"I'm fine." She says extremely unconvincingly as she bites the inside of her cheek.

"Maybe the hybrid transition is what killed him and he was lying about the Nephilim thing." I say, hoping there's an alternative explanation for why Mercer died like that.

"Mercer wasn't a hybrid." Chloe paces back and fourth.

"But Grayson turned him."

She shakes her head. "Doesn't work that way. He can only make vampires or make hybrids if they're already a lycan." She says, continuing to pace.


"603 years and I know nothing. The symptoms. How long this- Nephilim blood? I- how?" She shakes her head. "603 years I've been alive. The things I've seen and experienced..." She points to her head. "I have so much in here. So much. And not one thing can help in this situation. I don't know anything about Nephilim blood aside from it kills vampires. That's all I know. God I'm useless."

"You're not useless." I put my hands on her shoulders, stopping her pacing. "You said your parents wiped all of them out. Nephilim blood wasn't something you needed to concern yourself with."

"That doesn't mean I should've not learned a single thing about it. There's only two things in existence that can kill us. Our parents daggers and Nephilim blood. If I'd researched it or asked about it-."


She crosses her arms. "Dane knows some stuff. He's read what little is written about it. He owns one of the books in his palace, I could've read it and actually been helpful in this moment."



"There's no sense in playing the would've, could've, should've game. Dane knows a little about symptoms but other than that he is just as much in the dark as everyone else. Victoria didn't even know what to do."

"Maybe I can call my brother Vaughn I mean he was alive during-."

"You're not calling Vaughn." Dane cuts in walking back into the kitchen with Kellan. "He was a 13 year old when the war ended and he barely remembers any of it."


Dane steps closer to Chloe. "Chlo, calm down. We can't go calling people, alerting them to where we are. We'd be compromising Morgan."

"We should inform people that Nephilim blood is out there." Kellan says authoritatively.

"And how will we explain how we know that? For starters why was- out of all the hunter groups- Mercer and his people chasing a bunch of High Royals they can't even kill? Or at least didn't know they could kill?" Dane shrugs waiting for an answer. "Right. Everyone take a beat, Victoria will find something."

"How was he?" Chloe asks.

"He doesn't look amazing." Dane says. "He's a little shaky. A little pale- you weren't imagining it." He continues. "I'm gonna head back up, Chlo if you wanna come?"

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