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I finally calmed down and was currently leaning against the tree with Jack by my side as I looked up at the sky.

I'm so fucking pathetic to even believed he loved me.

But I was always like this.

If anyone told me they loved me I wouldn't hesitate to believe them and only now do I realise how stupid I was to believe in such lies.

And even after all of this if Tyler came up to me and told me he loves me I'd probably believe him and I didn't want that.

"Tell me you love me." I blurt out.

"W-what?" Jack asks shocked as he stares at me wide eyed.

"Lie to me and tell me you love me."

He eyes me and hesitates for a moment until he finally gives in.

"I love you Summer."

The way he said nearly made me believe what he was saying was true. I wanted to laugh at the thought of Jack Gilinsky loving me.

"Lie to me again."

"I love you."

I could only imagine how crazy I sounded to him but I didn't care. I felt like my heart had been broken in two and even though I knew I had makeup running down my face I couldn't have cared less.

I felt like I was going insane.

That everything I was certain of was a lie.


"Hmm" He mumbles.

"Have you ever been in love?" I ask him.

Maybe it was a stupid question because I knew Jack.

I knew from all these years of knowing him that he didn't stick around with girls long enough for him to fall in love.

"No. I haven't."

I nod.

"You know even after all of this I can't help but still love him." I sigh.

Jack looks at me for a moment and stays silent.

"Do you think I'm in love with him, because if I am I don't want to be because I can't help but think about everything he's done for me but then I get that image in my head." I cringe.

"I don't think you're in love with him, in fact I don't think you ever were." Jack admits.

I look over at him and I can't help but scoff.

If I didn't love him it wouldn't hurt the way it did.

"I think you love him yes but being in love is completely different. When you love someone you love them for who they pretend to be on the outside but being in love with someone is when you know there every flaw and all there dark secrets but you still love them, in fact you love them more because with every flaw just makes them more perfect... but either way it still hurts because you did love him but being in love with some is still completely different."

I can't help but look at him in shock. It made me question Jack.

"You seem to know a lot about love for someone who hasn't experience it." I say honestly.

He doesn't answer but instead stands up before brushing off the dirt from his ass and sticking his hand out to help me up.

I look at his hand and back at him.

I didn't want to go yet.

In fact I was enjoying talking to him.

I was enjoying spending time with my so called enemy who I've hated since preschool.


"Schools almost over and I know you have to take Ryder home because he was complaining to me about it this morning." he says with a smile.

I groan.

"I don't want to go, let him walk."

"If you're afraid about facing Tyler then don't be, let's just say he'll be held back a bit." Jack says with a smirk

I couldn't help but feel a bit better.

If Jack wanted revenge on you he won't hold back.

Trust me I know from experience like the time he stole my clothes from gym and when he died my hair green.

He didn't care about morals as long as he won but I can't judge because I was the exact same.

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