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This was going to be a double update, but I still haven't finished the 2nd part. I wanted to get something up for you guys.  The next update should be coming soon.


Today was a day I wasn’t looking forward to. I was going to be telling my dad about what I caught my mom doing. Or what she claimed that she didn’t do. But we all know what she had done, even though she tried her best to deny it.

That night at Harry’s was okay. I expected Harry to be home when I got to his house, but he wasn’t. I wanted to talk to Harry’s parents about what had happened and why I was there. I just didn’t have the guts to. So, I hid in Harry’s room as I waited for him to return home. As I waited, I slept for a little while and woke up to Harry being in the shower.

He ended up coming to bed and holding me until I ended up falling asleep again. I don’t think he slept at all that night. I would wake up here and there, and he would be looking down at me. He would ask me if I was okay, and I would simply just nod and drift back to sleep.

That was a few days ago. After I left his house and told him that I was perfectly fine, I spent the next few days hiding out in my room. I tried distracting myself by watching movies and playing on my phone, but I still had the thought of my mom lingering in the back of my mind. So I’ve been trying to convince myself to talk to my dad about everything. So, that’s what I’m going to do today, or at least try to.

I’ve been pacing my room, trying to find some things to do while I waited for my dad to get home. I had texted him earlier in the day, asking him if we could talk after he had gotten home from work. He should be home within the next few minutes or so. I’ve been counting down the minutes almost all day. It in no way helped me feel better at all. If anything, it made me feel a whole lot worse.

As I got lost in my head, I heard the door shut upstairs. My dad was home. Let the panicking begin.

I instantly began pacing my room again, moving things around to make my room look a little cleaner. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to tell him. Would he be mad? Would he yell at me? That’s not like him. I don’t think he would yell at me. I sighed, knowing I could take that off the imaginary list in my head.

I heard footsteps coming down the stairs, signaling that my dad didn’t forget that I wanted to talk to him. Great. He got closer and closer to my room, making me panic the most. Maybe I don’t have to tell him. That’s it. I’m keeping it to myself. He doesn’t need to know. My door opened, and my dad walked in with a smile on his face.

“Hey,” I forced a smile on my face. “I’m glad that you’re home,”

“Why’s that?” he asked. “Didn’t you want to tell me something? It sounded like you did when we were talking earlier,”

"Uh, I just wanted to see if we could hang out today because you've been gone for a while," I said, deciding not to tell him the truth.

"Of course, we can, Spence," he smiled. "Why don't I get changed, and we can go do something?" he said, turning to leave my room.

"Dad, wait," my mouth said before my mind could comprehend. "I wanted to talk to you. About something serious,"

"You don't look too good, hon, what's going on?" He asked, sitting at the edge of my bed.

I walked over and sat down in the middle of my bed, crossing my legs together. I let my thoughts take over and tried my best to decide how I wanted to start this conversation. I knew it was going to be really difficult to say and especially difficult for him to hear. I didn't want to hurt him.

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