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"How many more stores are we going to go in?" I complained as we entered yet another store.

Brynley's idea of us hanging out is going to the mall and spending all of our money. I mean I will always hang out with her, but shopping really wasn't my thing. Her favorite thing to do is shop so Aspyn and I always get dragged along with her so she can shop to her heart's content.

"A couple more and then we can eat something," she said as she brought me over to a clothing rack that caught her eye.

"Fine," I groaned.

Every article of clothing that she liked she would hold it up to my body. This is how she always got me to spend money on random clothes. She would convince me that I needed something and then I would be up at the counter with 5 random articles of clothes. She's the reason why my closet is full of clothes that I have barely worn.

"Why did you hang up on me when I called you earlier?" she asked as we continued looking at clothes.

"I, uh, was busy?" I questioned myself.

"You were whispering. Was someone there?" she turned, raising an eyebrow.

"I can't answer that," I said, turning my attention to something else.

"You are such a liar," she teased. "Who was it?"

"Let's leave the store and maybe I'll tell you," I offered.

"Deal, let's go," she dragged me out of the store.

I didn't think that she would give in to me wanting to leave. I thought it would've taken much more to get her to leave the store. I guess not though. So now we were heading down to the food court to find something to eat.

Brynley and I were now sitting at a table we found in the corner of the food court. There was a chinese place within the mall that we chose to go to. We had ordered the same thing: rice and some orange chicken.

"Tell me," she pleaded.

"I hoped that you would have forgotten by the time we were sitting down and eating," I sighed as I set down my fork.

"Why would I forget something like this?" she asked. "My best friend clearly had someone stay the night when you only let your friends stay. I know for a fact that it wasn't Aspyn because you wouldn't hide that from me. You let someone stay on your birthday, so who was it?" she explained.

"Uh," I started before someone came up to our table.

"I thought it may have been you," I heard. "I didn't think I would be seeing you twice in one day,"

My eyes widened as I looked up and saw who it was. It was Harry.

Out of all the people that could have been here, it just had to be him. I looked over at Brynley to see the same shocked look on her face. She clearly put two and two together and figured out that it was Harry who was at my house.

"Hey, Harry," I said. "What are you doing here?"

"My mom remember?" he asked.

"Oh, right," I laughed. "Have you been here that long? You left my house around 12,"

"She loves to shop, so yeah," he nodded. "I came over here because I need to know a good time for me to come over,"

"Inviting yourself back over to my house already?" I teased.

"I left my pants at your house because you rushed me out," he smirked.

"I can bring them over later today," I said.

"Is there anyone at your house today?" he asked. "I could go over there as my mom and I leave to get them if that's alright,"

"Go ahead," I nodded. "The side door should be unlocked, if not you may not see your pants again,"

He playfully rolled his eyes at me, "Nice seeing you again Brynley and I'll be seeing you on Saturday," he pointed at me.

"Bye, Harry," I lightly laughed as he left.

"Are you two having sleepovers now?" Brynley raised her eyebrow at me.

"It wasn't meant to be a sleepover," I defended myself.

"Then what was it supposed to be?" she asked, crossing her arms across her chest. "And why did he leave his pants at your house?"

"We hung out for my birthday yesterday. We watched a couple of movies last night and we ended up falling asleep. I didn't want to make him leave when I woke up to the movie being over because he was sleeping," I explained. "I gave him a pair of my sweatpants that were too big for me so he didn't have to sleep in his jeans, okay?"

"Why did you spend your birthday with him? You have never spent your birthday with Aspyn or me?"

"I didn't plan on doing so, but Aspyn is the one that told me to get out of my comfort zone and spend my birthday with someone who cared. Harry just so happened to say that he was coming over and we were spending the day together,"

"He's so cute," she gushed.

All I did was roll my eyes at her statement. "Can we talk about something else now?" I begged.

"And what would you like to talk about then?"

"Something other than me or my day yesterday,"

"What's going on Saturday?" she smirked.

"I thought we weren't going to keep talking about me?" I asked.

"This will be the last thing, I promise,"

"We've been spending our Saturdays together," I said. "Harry and I," I clarified.

"I can already tell that you two will be dating before you know it,"

"He, uh actually said something to me last night that could relate to what you just said," she instantly perked up. "He mentioned that he likes me a little bit more than a friend," I mumbled.

"You're going to have a boyfriend soon," she got all excited. "You like him too, right?"

"I think so," I answered. "I just don't know what I should do," I sighed.

My last relationship wasn't all that good. I guess I wouldn't even call it a relationship. I was with some guy when I was 15 and in a sense, he used me. He took my virginity and said that we were dating, but then went behind my back and was sleeping with other girls. I should've seen it coming because he was a few years older than me. But what should I know? I was 15 and he was almost turning 18.

"I can already tell that Harry would not ever do that," she said. "I've only spoken to him at school and I've seen him around you a few times and can already tell that he is a great human being. And besides, if he does anything bad to you then he will have to deal with Aspyn and I,"

"You two couldn't harm him even if you tried," I laughed.

"Maybe we can't, but I'm sure our brothers or even Dylan would do something,"

"This isn't even happening yet, or maybe not at all," I shrugged. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves,"

"I think we both know that something will happen with Harry whether you two are dating or not," she said. "If you two are already hanging out every weekend and sometimes during the week and he has slept over, something is bound to happen,"

"It wasn't supposed to happen though," I defended.

"But it did, accept the fact that it did. Harry and you will look so cute together," she gushed.

Maybe something will happen between us. I didn't see any of this coming at me, but by the looks of it and Brynley's words, it's all happening.


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