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I've been looking forward to this day since September of last year. It's been 8 months where I had been thinking about this day. It was finally Friday, May 31st. The last day of my junior year.

It was crazy to say that. I was officially a senior now. Just one more year until I could leave this town if I wanted to. As of right now, I strongly want to. Not because of my dad, my friends, and not because of Harry. It was more so because of the people that would just watch me at school or were somewhere in public. They would watch me and see what I did. Just because I was "rich" they would want to see what my life consisted of. I couldn't wait until I didn't have to see them anymore.

I was just waiting until the final school bell to ring before I could sprint my way out of the classroom and toward Harry's locker. I would go to my locker, but I already collected everything from inside to avoid wasting any of my time after school. I really just wanted to leave this school and never come back honestly.

The school day was ending almost 3 hours earlier than it did on normal days. But somehow, the day seemed much longer than any other day I've been here before. It was quite odd to me.

I couldn't sit still in my seat as I waited. I checked my phone every two seconds to see if the time changed at all. But it seemed to not change as fast as I wanted it to. I tapped my foot against the floor to try and distract myself.

I just had to wait 2 more minutes and then I was free.

"Are you coming over after school?" Aspyn asked, taking me out of my thoughts.

"Uh, no," I shook my head.

"What? Why not?" she asked. "You always come over after the last day of school,"

"I'm going over to Harry's house," I answered as I checked the time yet again.

"You've been to his house?" she asked, clearly surprised. "Not even his friends have been to his house, let alone know where he lives!"

"He doesn't like to give out his address," I said, getting a bit annoyed.

"Can we all go to his house? Like have a party?" she asked with a huge smile on her face

"No," I shook my head.

I looked down at my phone and saw that there were only thirty seconds left until I could leave. Thirty seconds until I didn't have to be here for three months. I couldn't wait.

There it was. The final school bell. I picked up my backpack from off the floor as I got up from my seat. I shoved my phone in my back pocket and booked it out of the classroom.

I ran down the long hallway, turning left to go to Harry's locker. He was standing with his back towards me as he emptied out his locker. I went behind him and put my hands around his waist. He turned around to see that it was me and smiled.

"What are you doing?" he asked as he put yet another jacket into his backpack.

"Nothing," I smiled as I began digging in his pockets.

I couldn't find what I was looking for even after searching through all of his jean pockets. I looked into his locker and noticed what I was looking for on the top shelf. I leaned forward and grabbed his keys. He turned around and raised an eyebrow at me.

"And what are you going to do with those?" he asked once he realized that's what I was looking for when I was sifting through his pockets.

Instead of answering his question, I turned around and booked it down the hallway to the doors of the school. I heard him yelling my name as I ran out of the school. I knew he wasn't mad about me taking his keys because otherwise, he would've ran after me.

Perfectly Lonely |H.S| A.U *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now