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You don't know just how happy I am to feel like myself again. After a week of feeling so sad and not myself for whatever reason, I've never felt so good. I finally feel like I'm in my own body again. I no longer feel like I'm in a stranger's body. I feel like I can just breathe again.

To celebrate how good I feel, I decided to go to the store to get some cookie dough to make cookies for myself. Before I came to the grocery store, I stopped by the gas station to get myself a slushy because I had been craving one for the past few weeks. I just didn't feel like I deserved it because of how much I had been hiding out from everyone. Today though, I feel like I actually deserved one.

So, I was entering the grocery store with my slushy in one hand and my wallet in the other. I quickly made my way to the very back of the store where I knew the pre-packaged cookie dough was. Once I had gotten to where I needed to be, I had to decide which kind I wanted to make. This was the hard part, in my opinion.

I didn't even know what flavor I was feeling like having today. Not only that, there was just way too many to choose from. There's sugar, chocolate chip, Reese's, peanut butter, double chocolate, and so many others I didn't even know were a thing. I had never heard of half of these so I was quite surprised at the large selection. I decided to just play it safe and get a normal kind of cookie dough. Chocolate chip.

I grabbed a package off the shelf and began walking up to the checkout lines. As I was making my way back towards the front of the store, I recognized two very familiar faces. My two friends Aspyn and Brynley were looking in my direction. Or should I say directly at me? Before I could even think about making a run for it, they were already walking towards me with huge smiles on their faces.

"Hey, Spence," Aspyn smiled. "We haven't seen you since the last day of school,"

"I've been busy," I said quietly.

"Busy hanging out with Harry?" Bryn asked.

"Not recently, no," I shook my head.

"You two didn't break up, did you?" Aspyn asked this time.

"We didn't," I shook my head yet again.

"If you're not doing anything today, could we all hang out? It's been way too long,"

"Uh, yeah, sure," I nodded, not even realizing what Aspyn had asked me.

I was too busy looking down at my phone to see a text from Harry. I opened up the message to see what it had said.

Loverboy: When should I be expecting this call? I'd like to hear your voice, pretty girl

I smiled at my phone before I locked it to put it back in my back pocket. I looked back up at my friends and they had big smiles on their faces. I wish I had known what I had just agreed to.

"We'll see you soon then," Brynley said as they walked in the opposite direction.

I stood in the same spot thinking about everything that had just happened. I really didn't think I would be running into my friends today. I turned around and started walking towards the checkout once again. I placed my one item down and looked at the different small snack options. The first thing that caught my eye was a bag of Haribo gummy bears. I grabbed and set it next to the cookie dough. Harry and I will have to share these the next time I get to see him.


I walked into my house and saw my dad sitting on the island. I wasn't expecting to be seeing him because I thought he was supposed to still be at his office. He usually wasn't home at this time on a weekday.

Perfectly Lonely |H.S| A.U *SLOW UPDATES*Where stories live. Discover now