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This morning was very hectic.

Harry had waited until the last second before he packed everything he would need. So while I was waiting on when we were going to leave, Harry had been running around his room figuring out what he needed to bring with him. He went from his closet to his bathroom and back to his closet. It was like he was a chicken with its head cut off. All I could do was laugh at his panicked state.

After an hour of him not knowing what to pack and throwing random clothes into his suitcase, I decided to help him. I went through what he had packed on a whim and found clothes that he would actually wear. As I did this, he got together any odds and ends that he would need like bathroom things and his phone charger.

That's how our day had started. And now we were finally in Harry's truck on our way to Ocean Shores.

Harry's mom told us where we were going at the very last second. She didn't want us to know exactly where we were going until we were minutes from leaving. She didn't want us to know about what was there or quite anything about it. She said it would give us something to talk about on the 3-hour drive.

"How much longer until we get there?" I asked Harry.

"We left my house not even half an hour ago, we have a few more hours until we get there," he answered.

"I'm already tired," I complained.

"Take a nap then," he said.

"I'm not gonna go to sleep and leave you lonely," I said. "I don't want to be asleep when you have to drive for a few more hours. I'll take a nap when we get to where we're going,"

"Okayyy," he dragged out. "I know how you are though so I don't think that plan is going to work out too well for you. If you say you're tired now, I think you'll be fast asleep in about ten minutes or so,"

"I'm not falling asleep," I declared. "Just keep talking to me and I should be able to stay awake,"


So, I fell asleep.

I didn't mean to do that, but the calming music that Harry had playing made me very tired and I ended up falling asleep within minutes. It was quite surprising to me. I never knew I could fall asleep as fast as I did.

I was just now waking up to Harry singing softly to one of my favorite songs. Perfectly Lonely by John Mayer. I began rubbing my eyes with my palm as I yawned. I looked to my left to see Harry already looking at me. He had a slight smile on his face to see me awake.

"How long was I asleep for?" I yawned as I rested my head against the window.

"A little over an hour," he answered.

"I'm sorry for falling asleep," I apologize. "I didn't think I was tired enough to fall asleep," I mumble.

"It's alright, Spence," he said as he rested his right arm on the center console.

"How much longer until we get to where we're going?" I asked as I began fiddling with the rings on his fingers.

"Maybe an hour to an hour and a half," Harry answered as he turned left down yet another street.

I sighed at his answer and brought my legs up to my chest. I grabbed my phone out of the cup holder and went onto google. I began looking at places for Harry and me to go to and random things that we could possibly do that were around the place we were staying at. There wasn't much that caught both of our attention, but we did find a place where we could go cliff jumping. Harry is the one that insisted that we do that because he has always wanted to. I'm just being brought along so he isn't doing it alone.

After I had found one thing for us to do together, we only had about half an hour left of being in the car. We just had to occupy ourselves for a bit longer before we make it to our destination for the next few days. It shouldn't be that hard for us to do.


"This is the right address, right?" Harry asked as we pulled up to a small cabin.

"It is," I nod my head confirming what he had asked.

"Let's go inside then," he said as he shut off his truck before getting out of the car.

I followed along with what he did and climbed out of the truck. I walked around the front and met Harry there. He took my left hand and started walking us to the front door of the small cabin in front of us. We climbed the steps and made it to the door that was right in front of us.

Harry grabbed his phone out of his pocket and went to the text messages that were between him and his mom. He scrolled through the messages to find out what the code was to the front door. Once he had the message he was looking for, he put the code into the lock on the door. The lock flashed a green light signaling it to be unlocked. Harry twisted the doorknob and led us inside the unfamiliar house.

"I feel like we shouldn't be here," I said as I looked around.

"Why is that?" Harry asked, looking down at me with a smile on his face.

"It looks too nice for us," I laugh.

Harry and I are the people who don't like things that look too expensive or way too nice. Just because our parents have money, doesn't mean that we want to be just like that. We didn't get the money ourselves, so we don't get anything we think is way too flashy.

"Good thing we're only here for a few days then," he smiled. "After that, we can go back to how we live our lives,"

"Let's see what we're dealing with for the next few days," I said as I let go of his hand to explore the house.

Harry followed close behind me as I walked through each room. I walked through the kitchen and saw how nice it was. The living room was next. It was quite small but it looked really comforting. I loved how welcoming the whole cabin felt. The only bedroom was the next room to do to.

"I see that there is only one bed, so I don't know where you're going to be sleeping," I teased him. "The couch looked pretty comfortable. You're gonna have to let me know how the couch is tomorrow after you wake up,"

"You're so funny," he rolled his eyes.

"Who said I was joking?" I smiled.

Before I could realize what was going on, Harry was picking me up and throwing me down onto the bed. He lightly laid over me and smiled down at me.

"You're really funny today, aren't you?" he asked.

"I'm always funny," I smiled wide.

"I know you are," he leaned down to kiss me. "Let's go get our stuff before we get too comfortable," he grinned before kissing me a second time.

"Or I could lay here while you get everything," I suggest.

"So I'm the one that drives here the whole way while you sleep and then I have to bring everything inside as well?" he raised his eyebrow.

"I'm just kidding, H," I smiled up at him.

"I know you are," he smiled. "I was too,"

"Are you going to let me up so I can help bring stuff inside?"

"What if I don't want to?" he asked.

"Then I guess you can bring everything inside yourself," I grinned.

He kissed me once again before getting off of me. "Let's go," he laughed.

I can already tell that the next few days were going to be amazing. Just Harry and I alone and doing whatever it is we wanted to do. We didn't have to worry about anyone judging us because of how much time we spend together. Well, we may not get judged now, but we probably will once we get back and they realize that we were away together for the past few days. But as of now, it was just the two of us. And that was great for us.


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