Chapter 32

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Porsche Pov..

Porsche slowly get up from the sofa and walk slowly to the kitchen and start to cook... Porsche smile after he feels a strong kick from the inside while saying... Mommy knows sweetheart... You both can't wait to see the world... Mommy and daddy also can't wait to see you both na.. Porsche suddenly feel shock as he see Vegas hands around his big belly and say.. You should rest more baby... I really worry about you right now.. Vegas chuckle then ask.. Are you trying to say that.. I should be sleeping on the hospital bed instead of being here with you? Porsche sigh slowly and about to speak again but see Vegas fingers on his lips.. Porsche then stroke Vegas lips and say.. Baby.. Are you trying to seduce me or trying to burn the whole kitchen? Vegas laugh and take turn to cook... Porsche smile softly and sit down slowly and look at Vegas while he is cooking.. Vegas then say.. Your husband is really handsome.. I know.. No need to stare for too long.. You will be drooling later.. Porsche cover his face and laugh slowly.. Vegas then chuckle and suddenly see Nop come towards them and say.. Excuse me Mr Vegas.. And Mr Porsche.. Ermm.. Khun Kim and Khun Thankun is here... Porsche then frown and look at his husband.. Vegas then reply... Please let them to come inside.. Nop then walk outside to welcoming them..Khun and Kim walk towards them and say.. Hey you both.. Porsche smile then about to get up but got stop by Vegas.. Khun then hug Porsche while Kim hug Vegas and pat his back slowly.. Vegas then serve the food on the table and say.. You should tell us that you want to come here.. Did Uncle know? Kim nod then reply.. Yes he does.. In fact... He is the one who ask us to come here to visit.. Khun Korn isn't feeling well.. Now he is resting at home.. Uncle Karn and P Chan is taking care of him... Porsche nod and ask.. How is Pete and his bestie? Khun laugh and reply..Well.. He miss you too Porsche.. Porsche smile softly and say.. You both must be hungry right? Come.. Lets eat with us na.. Kim then give them a few of apples and put on the table... Khun then say.. Its for you both... Vegas smile and say.. Thank you for this Khun.. We are sorry for trouble you both... Kim shake his head and take a plate.. Khun then put the food for Kim and eat together with Porsche and Vegas... Khun then ask.. When is Porsche is going to give birth Vegas? Porsche then say... When the babies is ready.. Then.. Thats it.. Kim chuckle then reply.. Well.. We wish that you will give birth safely na.. We really worry about you and Vegas.. Even that asshole Kinn is already dead... But.. Khun then hit Kim shoulder and say.. Language please! Porsche then rub his big belly and say... Everything is over now...Kinn is already rest in peace... No need to talk about it anymore.. Kim then get up and wash the plate.. Khun then wash his plate as well and put it on the rack.. Kim then reply.. Vegas.. Don't force yourself too much... You just about to heal.. I thought you already dead.. Kinn shoot you 3 times Vegas.. 3 times.. Godness.. Vegas then reply.. Im still here guys.. Don't worry.. Im here because of my wife...I will be fine.. I will go to work tomorrow... Khun then reply.. Wait until you fully recover Vegas... Who is going to take care of your wife? Macau and Chay will get busy with school again... Vegas smile and rub Porsche belly and say I will try to come home early.. Trust me ok.. Kim sigh then reply.. Ok.. Please tell us if you need anything ok.. Don't make us worry about you both too much... Especially Khun.. Khun then smirk and ask.. Why? Porsche then reply.. Because you easily get faint.. Vegas then chuckle and help to wash the plate.. Kim look at his watch and say.. Almost evening.. It will going to be dark.. Lets go back Khun.. And you two.. Please take care of each other ok.. We will go home now.. Vegas then send them until Kim and Khun reach at the gate.. Khun pat Vegas shoulder and say.. Take care na Vegas.. Please look after Porsche... Kim then reply.. If we have a meeting.. We will come here to discuss it with you... Please don't leave Porsche alone.. He is about to give birth soon.. You need to watch over him na..Vegas smile and nod then reply.. Thank you for the concern..truly appreciate it... Be careful ok.. Vegas wave his hands while see Kim drive away.. Vegas lock the gate and go back inside the house.. Porsche then clear the table and see Vegas walk towards him and kiss Porsche lips gently...Porsche hug Vegas neck and stroke his cheek and say.. Lets go upstairs na..Vegas smile and hold Porsche hand tightly and go upstairs.. Vegas pull Porsche to go inside the room and lock the door.. Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and say.. lets shower OK? Porsche nod and walk towards the bathroom and take off his clothes.. Vegas then take off his clothes too and start to kiss Porsche cheek while rubbing his belly gently.. Porsche lean his head towards Vegas neck and stroke his head and kiss Vegas deeply.. Vegas then say.. I can't touch you sweetheart.. We keep having a sex these days... Porsche hug Vegas neck and kiss Vegas forehead fot a long time and say.. Its OK baby... I will help you to change the plaster too.. Both of them decides to take a quick shower... 10 minutes later.. Both of them come out with the pyjama on them.. Vegas help Porsche to sit down and put the sock on Porsche legs.. Porsche stroke Vegas hair and kiss his cheek and say.. I can do it by myself.. Don't worry.. Vegas chuckle then ask.. How? Vegas kiss Porsche big belly and rub it gently and say....our babies will be born soon... Porsche stroke Vegas cheek then reply.. Yes... Porsche suddenly feel a sharp pain... Vegas rub Porsche belly gently again and again... Porsche try to breath like usual and lean his head at bed rest.. Vegas kiss Porsche hand and hold it tight... Vegas then say.. When i was in the ward.. I saw you in my dreams.. You begged me to stay.. I said that i made a promise not to leave you all alone.. Then I woke up and decided to escape from the hospital... Porsche kiss Vegas chest and slowly touch his chest while look at him with worry... Vegas then reply.. This wounds is nothing to compare with everything that i have done to you.. The pain that you feel because of me baby..and..this wounds is nothing to compare to our babies that you are carrying right now.. Once you starts to give birth to our babies.. You will be fighting for your life.. Its between life and death... Porsche tears start to fall out... Vegas pull Porsche towards him and say.. Shh.. Sweetheart....its OK.. Don't cry baby.. Porsche then  reply.. Im afraid Vegas... Vegas kiss Porsche lips deeply and say.. Im right here.. Then kiss Porsche belly as well.. Porsche then hug Vegas and say... I will iron your outfit na... Vegas then help Porsche to lay down and cover him with a blanket and say... Its ok need to sleep now.. Porsche nod and hug Vegas then sleep soundly..

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