Chapter 30

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Macau and Porchay Pov...

Macau put the food on the tray while holding it tight.. Porchay then clear up the kitchen and prepare the vitamins and milk for Porsche then follow Macau to go upstairs... Porchay then see his big brother is sleeping.. Porsche open his eyes slowly and see his beloved little brothers is standing in front of him.. Macau put the tray on the table and say.. Mommy.. We made a porridge for you na..Porsche smile softly and say.. Come here and sit down with mommy.. Porsche hug both of his little brothers and kiss their forehead and say.. I really miss you both.... Macau then kiss Porsche belly and say... Our little siblings will be born soon... I feel so happy mommy... Porsche put Macau and Porchay hands on his belly and feel the strong kick from the inside.... Porsche then ask... Can you both feel it? Chay nod happily and hug his big brother and say.. Phi.. You must eat na.. Do you want me or Macau to feed you?Porsche then reply.. Phi can eat by my self na... You both should go and sleep ok.. Macau then say.. Its still evening mommy... Porsche stroke Macau head and say.. Yes.. Mommy know.. Aren't you both tired? Go and take a short sleep or rest... Chay sigh slowly and say... Ok phi.. We will go now.. Please finish up your food na.. Porsche then nod and starts to eat while cry silently... Porsche eat until finish while remembering Vegas...Porsche then rub his belly slowly and say.. Vegas... I really miss you na.. Please wake up soon...

At the hospital...
Vegas Pov..

In Vegas dreams...
Vegas walking around the park and see Porsche is waiting for him... Vegas then run towards his beloved wife and hug him tight and say.. Porsche... Hey baby... Porsche turn around and kiss him deeply and say.. I really miss you Vegas.. Please don't leave me yet.. Our babies can't wait to see you... Vegas nod and say.. I won't leave you.. Never baby... I love you remember? Wait for me... I will return...
  Dream ends...

Vegas then open his eyes and feel hurt through his chest...  Vegas then remember Porsche and their babies.. Vegas slowly get down from the bed and hold his chest while endure the pain... Cindy then come in and say.. Vegas.. My God... Where are you going in this kind of condition hmm.... You just about to heal... Please... Vegas push Cindy away and say.. Don't... Don't stop me Dr Cindy... Please... I need to go back now... Get out.. Cindy then sigh and reply... I will prepare a medicine for you.. Vegas then reply.. Do what you want and be quick... Vegas then go to the bathroom and change his clothes... Vegas then come out and leave the wards... Dr Danny come towards him and say.. Whoa.. Mr Vegas.. Vegas suddenly pull out the gun and point to him and say.. Don't come near me... I want to go home.. I don't like to stay here... Cindy then say.. Its OK Danny... He really wants Porsche to take care of him...Cindy then give Vegas a medicine and ultrasound picture to Vegas and say.. Porsche pregnancy is 9 months now Mr Vegas.. Please take care of your self and please take care of Porsche as well.. Vegas nod and say.. Thanks for the med.. I will leave now.. Vegas then leave the hospital with a taxi..

Porsche Pov..

Porsche finally finish eating and put the bowl on the table... Porsche then open the drawer and see a necklace with V initials and kiss it... Porsche then see a diary and open it... Porsche cry slowly as he see his picture that Vegas draw in the diary along with a letter.. Porsche frown and open it then start to read the letter silently.. Porsche.. Porsche my beloved wife... By the time you read this later.. Maybe im not by your side anymore.. If I still.. Means.. Im still alive... First of all.. I want to say thank you for everything that you have done to me... You are the best gift that God ever gave to me Porsche... Im truly sorry for hurting you like hell... I know i don't deserve you... I promise that i will make you feel happy.. No more sadness.. Always take care of your self na... I always pray to God.. So that you will always be protected... Our babies will be receive a lot of love from people around them... Just like you sweetheart... Just like you... I always love you Porsche.. I love you so much.. - Vegas..
Porsche cry hard and say.. Vegas... Please come back to me baby.. I really miss you so much....
A few minutes later.. Vegas arrives and give a money to the driver... Vegas then go inside and walk slowly to the room and touch his chest...then say.. You can do it Vegas.. Vegas then slowly open the door and see Porsche is crying... Porsche then see Vegas stand there and walk towards Porsche and kiss his whole face.. Porsche then hug Vegas neck and cry hard... Vegas kiss his beloved wife and see Porsche already read the letter that Vegas left for him... Vegas then wipe Porsche tears and ask.. Why are you crying sweetheart... Im here....Porsche then say... Vegas....while hiding his face through Vegas chest... Porsche then kiss Vegas chest slowly and help Vegas to lay down... Porsche get up slowly and lock the door... Vegas then pull off the curtains and push Porsche to lay down slowly and take off his pants and boxer... Porsche then shake his head and say.. No.. Please.. Vegas... Mmmhh... Vegas stroke Porsche junior and look at him with smirk...Porsche kiss Vegas deeply and say.. My husband.... Please.... Vegas take off his clothes and Porsche clothes until they fully naked... Vegas then ask while wrap Porsche legs around his waist and ask.. Please what baby... Please what hmmm... While stroke Porsche head... Let me hear it.. Porsche then reply.. Please Vegas... I need you right now....don't stop... Please... Vegas start to thrust Porsche slowly and ask... Porsche... Who is your husband... Porsche smile... Vegas then say.. Moan baby... Moan... Porsche then say... You... Vegas then tie Porsche hands above his head and blindfold him and suck his junior deeper.. Porsche then say.. Vegas!! Mmmhh... Vegas suck Porsche junior even deeper... Porsche release it inside Vegas mouth.. Porsche then moan...more sweetheart... Don't stop... Vegas smirk and thrust Porsche even deeper.. Vegas then say.. Moan baby moan... Porsche then moan louder.. Ooh.. Vegas... Vegas kiss Porsche deeply and rub his junior.. Porsche then say.. Vegas baby... I want to hold you and see your beautiful face... Please.... Vegas smile and release Porsche hands and unblindfold him.. Porsche then kiss Vegas forehead and moan again.. mmmhh... Vegas thrust Porsche again and again and ask.. Who are you to me... Moan sweetheart... Porsche moan.. Mmhmm Vegas... Oooh... Vegas thrust Porsche and Porsche reply.. Im your wife...mmmhh... More Vegas... Please... Vegas then thrust Porsche again and release it inside Porsche and hug him close and say...tomorrow morning.. We will go to main family house.. Sleep now sweetheart.. Porsche then hug Vegas close to him and sleep together...

Lion Fell In Love With A Lamb(Vegas Porsche) Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora